Chapter 19: A Lengthy Golden Chapter Awaits!

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~{Next Morning}~

[I feel like total shit. I got no damn sleep last night. I thought having my own room would be so kewl and "free" but it's the total opposite! I'm just so used to having the girls cuddle up to me, hearing Asta snore while Nash kicked him off the bed, and Yuno softly snoring as he hugged Holo. I miss how Eri would sometimes sneak into our room and sleep right on the middle of the floor; Or she would be our "wake up call" and jump onto our beds and lick us like crazy. This room is my "dream room" but I feel so lonely in it. I want everyone back!]

I threw my blankets over and groaned. I held my head while kicking my feet over and letting them hang. I sat up allowing the sun's rays to blind the living shit out of me which added more irritation and annoyance to my mood.

Me: *sighs* I hope today is an easy day.

I finally got the energy to stand up and begin my morning routine. When I walked into the bathroom, I realized my own products were definitely not up to par with these. I checked each one to see what they had and decided to change up some of my stuff. By the end, I was happy with the end results and began to clean my face, brush my teeth, shower, and so on. While I brushed my hair, I kept thinking how I wanted to send some of this stuff back home so Sister Lily and the girls can try it. Time passed as I finally came to the end of my daily routine. I heard a knock on my door and I walked barefoot towards it. I opened it to see a smiling Yuno. I smiled as he said,

Yuno: Good morning Vanellope. Can I come in?

Me: Good morning Yuno and of course!

He walked in as I closed the door. Yuno sat on my bed as I went to my accent chair to put on my boots. However, Yuno took notice of my tiredness.

Yuno: Did you have a rough night?

Me: Yeah...I barely got any sleep. I'm just not use to sleeping alone.

Yuno: I see. I couldn't sleep either.

Me: Really? *finishing putting boots on* You look so refreshed.

Yuno: *joking* Because I always look good.

Me: *fake laugh* Ha-ha you're so funny.

[Oh my gawd! It's so true though! He always looks so handsome and perfect!!]

Yuno stood up and asked,

Yuno: Ready?

Me: Now I am.

We walked out my room and began walking down the long ass fucking pathway towards the main hall to meet with Klaus and Mimosa. As we walked, Yuno and I got lost in conversation; This was something we always did when we were alone or with Asta. We always had the most interesting, the most weirdest, and the most randomest conversations. Not everyone could understand our topics, our sense of humor, our theories, (which is my favorite), and/or why we even talked about certain things.

{Want to know what we are talking about right now?...Donuts. I know what you're thinking. "Seriously, Donuts?" Just hear me out, there's a reason for this.}

[Last night when I couldn't sleep, I decided to go through some of the books in the room and found one about "junk food". When I was flipping pages, I found one about donuts. It reminded me of when we were kids and how we had tried one. We had instantly fell in love with it. I mean, we didn't have a lot of sweets. Not because we weren't allowed to, it's just we didn't have the money for it. It was so fascinating to learn and understand how it was made and couldn't wait to tell Yuno about it. Luckily for me, Yuno was a great listener and didn't mind hearing me talk and talk Yuno and Asta always asked questions and were always so fascinated by the information I gave them or vice-versa. Because of this, I never wanted to stop learning so that, not only can I know a little bit about everything, but to always have something to tell Yuno.]

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