Chapter 61: Personal Oaths.

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Yuno and my steps echoed as we got closer to the rest of the magic knights, whom attended the ceremony. A few turned in the direction of the group that Mimosa was in. She, along with Noelle, ran up.

Mimosa: *in tears* Vannellope!! Oh my gawd, I'm so glad you're ok.

Me: *somber* I'm fine Mimosa, thank you for worrying about me.

Noelle: *concern* I hope you won't be upset but I caught Mimosa up about everything.

Me: That's fine. I would've told her anyways.

Just then, Klaus came up as well.

Klaus: Pardon my intrusion but, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. *conferting* Please Vannellope. If you need to unload any negative emotions from your person, please do not hesitate. I am here for you.

Me: Klaus...thank you. I appreciate it very much.

Noelle crossed her arms and snobbishly said.

Noelle: *To Klaus* Yeah right. You got nosey.

Klaus let out a gasp and pointed a finger at her.

Klaus: I was not! I was concerned for my subordinate.

They bickered for a moment when Mimosa took notice of mine and Yuno's hands.

Mimosa: Are you two....together?

Yuno: *confused* What gives you that impression?

Mimosa: *points* that.

We both looked at one another and forgot we were still holding hands. I spoke up as I was hesitate to keep holding onto his hand,

Me: Oh. This. It was my doing. I wanted some comfort and Yuno said it was ok to use him for that.

Mimosa smirked at Yuno.

Mimosa: It seems much more than that, doesn't it Yuno?

Yuno: *nonchalant* It isn't.

Mimosa made a "stink-face" as she puffed up her cheeks and puckered her lips forward while squinting her eyes. She turned towards Klaus and Noelle. Because of Mimosa's comments, I decided to let go of Yuno's hand.

[I don't want to bring unnecessary attention towards him or any problems.]

When his hand fell out of mine, he quickly looked at me wide-eyed. Yuno asked extremely confused.

Yuno: Why did you let go?

Me: *looking down* I just, I didn't want to give off the wrong idea. I'm sorry Yuno. I was being selfish and didn't think ahead. I'll be fine now. I am very thankful for what you have done.

Yuno: But...

Me: *cuts off* It's fine Yuno.

Yuno wasn't sure how to react and was left baffled. His hand just hung there while I brought my hand towards the other as I folded them in front of myself, politely. Moments passed as Alecdora and Hamon came shortly after explaining that the barrier is not secured and that they were informed about Asta. The girls didn't hide their worried expression for Asta. Even Klaus expressed his concerns for our little loud boy.

Klaus: They haven't had him for long. Remember, he is a fighter. *looks at me* Right, Vannellope?

Me: *nods* Right. He will be safe.

Klaus: When he returns, I will slap that boy silly. *gasp*!

[Why did Klaus gasp like th...Woah!! This mana, is absolutely immense! But where is it coming from??]

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