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Iida woke with his neck throbbing, what happened? He went to his room to take a shower and then he felt a sting in his neck...he couldn't remember anything from that point. His vision was blurred and he blinked a few times to regain his eyesight.
He couldn't hear anything either, the room was silent. He tried moving his body but his hands and feet wouldn't budge. Once his vision finally sharpened her could see he was in a white room and he was tied to a chair.

"They found her..." he said to himself. "They found her..." Iida's survival instincts kicked in and started to look around the room for any type of evidence of where he was and what he could use as a weapon. Nothing. The room had nothing in it.

His mind wanted to make his mouth scream for help but he didn't know who was on the other side of the door. The bright room started to get warm and he didn't understand what was going on. In minutes he was sweating and blisters started forming upon his skin.

Overhaul could see him through the security cameras, a smirk playing with his lips. "Illuzion. You've come through for me once again. Have fun with him, I'm going to prepare for the trial."

Illuzion was at all man with blonde hair that was combed back. He wore a suit with black and white spirals all over it. His eyes were different colors, one eye was blue while the other one was green. His quirk was called trepidation. He could manipulate the space around him to send someone into complete fear and hysteria. One of his eyes projected the victims worst fears while the other eye could get into the mind of the victims most traumatizing memories. He could make the victim feel and look the way he wanted but it was all an illusion, no person was ever really harmed except mentally.

Iida was dripping with sweat, he felt exhausted and uncomfortable. By this time any other victim would be crying out for him to stop but Iida had lasted longe than all of his victims combined. The warmth of the room dissipated and then it grew colder. Iida wasn't too bothered by it until he could see his breath. He knew he was under the influence of a villain and so he tried to get his mind to go someplace else to endure the pain he was going through.

"Interesting..." Illuzion said as he activated his other eye to see what he was thinking. "Bingo." The frigid cold stopped and all of the sudden, Piper burst through the door.

"Iida!" He heard her voice and he opened his eyes to see her beautiful face.

"Piper?" He looked at her perplexed. "How did you find me."

"You disappeared last night, I had to find you." She kissed his lips fondly.

"Get me out of here, Piper." He told her. Piper went to untie him but then a heavy hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"You are such a disappointment to me, son. I can't believe you let yourself get caught by a villain. Aizawa's kid made you soft..." Iida looked over his shoulder to see his Dad looking down on him with pure distaste.

What was going on? What kind of game was this? He shook his head and tried to close his eyes to escape the torment. Piper appeared again in front of him and she smiled sweetly at him.

"Piper...what's going on?"

"What's going on? You left me, that's what's going on!" Her face turned angry and hateful. Iida sat there completely surprised by her reaction. "I was waiting for you, Iida. You didn't come back for me. I hate you!"

Iida's eyes were full of tears and he shook his head, "I got captured, I need you to help me."

"No, you can stay here. You are nothing to me now." Piper walked away and left him in the room to cry all alone. "Piper..." he whimpered.

Illuzion smiled, pleased that he had given into his scheme. The more trauma he went under the more memories Illuzion could unearth.

Sand started to pour into the room and Iida looked about, "what the hell is happening?!" He cried out.

Sand started to reach his ankles and he struggled with his restraints. Fright consumed him and he struggled to no avail. The sand was now waist deep and he could hardly move anything now. The sand started to press up against his chest making it harder to breathe.

Illuzion stopped once the room was completely filled with sand and then he started another scenario. Iida was left gasping for air as he realized the sand never existed, how? It felt so real! Once he had finally caught his breath, he realized something. Unfortunately for Iida he couldn't think it, because it seemed as if the villain was already in his head.

What was it that Piper told him about her quirk? She could only see what people let her see. Maybe...just maybe if he mentally protected himself like he did with Piper, he could turn the tables on this horrific game he was involved in.

To do that he had to think like Piper too, she was clever and knew what was about to happen before it happened. He would have to be a whole lot more clever though, since he couldn't see the person who was tormenting him.

"Huh?" Illuzion raised an eyebrow. Why was this memory traumatizing. The villain shrugged and projected the memory. Iida was sitting in his classroom, unbound and free from his restraints. He looked around to see the students around him, Bakugo, Piper, Ellie and Shoto. Everyone was there. Aizawa looked at the class and started the lesson. Iida sat back and pretended to look confused, to keep the villain thinking that the ordinary setting was scary. It worked.
"Today we're going to start the science lesson...." the fake Aizawa said.

"No!" Iida screamed out, acting like he was terrified.

Illuzion tilted his head, confused. Was he really upset by science?
He went on with the scenario, Iida providing the exact reactions of terror.

This was a mind game, the villain wanted to play with his brain and Iida had to play along in order to keep his sanity.

So how do you like the new chapter? I told you my break wouldn't last too long. How do you like the made up villain? I wanted to do something different with the villains since overhaul doesn't have much help from the League of Villains anymore. All the other villains I knew from the show didn't fit with the story except gentle villain since he wasn't tied to any group of villains.
Thanks guys for reading this story. You all keep me writing, it gives me joy to see so many people in love with it.
I'll update soon, 💙💙💙

My Hero Academia: I See Everything  Book 2 (Aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now