Chapter Eight

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Victor came slowly down the stairs. The conversations mixed, so you couldn't really tell what was being said. What was clear was the small girl that ran over to him, followed by her best friend. "Hi!" Said the two kids. "Good morning, Narcissa and David." Victor said, before following the two over to the table. "Where's James?" Harry said, laying Rachel down in the cot. "Asleep. Dinner didn't quiet stay down last night in waves." Victor said. "Draco, when was that appointment?" Harry asked. "Next week. He wouldn't have got in that soon, but he is still fifteen. The Saltine crackers should help." Draco said, as Victor join the table. "I have a question." Albus said, to Victor. "Shoot." He replied. "Your hair. I have never-" Albus started. "I also wanted to ask, but I figured you got it done." Harry said. "No I don't. It's always been blonde and straight. Somehow it was Dominic in the gene pool." Victor said. "That's really cool." Albus said. "Cause problems?" Draco asked. "Once or twice. I thought about getting it done, but never want through with it. I was going to get it shaved, but James likes it so I haven't had a cut in over a year." Victor said. "You really don't know your parents?" Noah asked. "No, and I'm not interested in either one." Victor said and after a pause. "What about health histories?" Harry said. "I could ask for a medical history...once I'm eighteen, but couldn't you just fix it?" Victor said. "Depends. James might be magical, but your not. You can't go throwing magic at somebody who isn't. It can easily cause more damage then good." Draco said and after a moment, He threw Harry his Inhaler. "Other wise, I'm healthy. Winter is coming however, it can be a problem for me." Victor said. "It's smaller then what you'd need, but would work if need be. Noah has a breathing machine you can use if you have an attack." Harry said. "It's rare my inhaler doesn't improve my breathing. I stop if my chest begins to hurt." Victor said. "Self aware is a good thing." Harry said. "I don't think anything major has happened to one if them. I was never tested like some of the others were if a parent had this or that. Just watched a bit closely during the winters because of my asthma." Victor said. "Fair enough." Harry said.

Harry woke James up a little after eleven. "Dad?" He yawned, sitting up. "James, don't be afraid to talk to me." Harry said, handing James the saltine crackers and a sprite. "I...can't say that." He said, sitting up in the bed. "I'm not going anywhere, neither are you. I don't want to hear a week later your stomach isn't settling." Harry said and he let out a sigh. "It...been on a off for a while...Victor thinks its worst because I've been worried." James whispered. "Because that is making it worst, James." Harry said, pulling his head up. James were trying not to cry. "Because every-" James started. "No, they haven't nor is anybody leaving anytime soon. I don't even think Draco is alive and Victor isn't leaving you. You have to relax, you really do, James." Harry said. "I...don't" James whispered. "Eat something then come Join everybody downstairs." Harry said.
"Feeling better?" Victor asked. "A, I hate sprite." James whined joining him on the couch and handed him the drink. "It suppose to help settle the stomach...and doesn't have caffeine." Victor said. "So is root-beer." He whined. "Are you wanting a root-beer, James?" Victor asked. "There isn't any. I looked." He fussed. "I'll go get you some." Victor smiled, giving him a kiss.
He was putting on his shoes when he seen David and Narcissa. "We wanna go!" David said. "Um, note without a note little man. I'm not eighteen." Victor said. "Daddy!" David cried for going up the stairs being followed by Narcissa. James and Victor was just getting finished getting ready. "What kind of note is he talking about?" Harry asked. "The one I have to have to drive with more then James in the car." Victor said. "Have you-" Harry started to asked. "A van full and I've been driving since I was fourteen. Just, if I get pulled over without a note it will mess with getting my next license." Victor said. "Alright, where are you going?" Harry asked. "Just the store. James wants some root-beer." Victor said. "Go get ready you two." Harry said and then wrote the note.

Draco was pulled down beside Harry, who let out a laugh. "Hello to you too." Draco smiled, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. "The baby is asleep so I know I can have you to myself for a few minutes." Harry smiled, and Draco pulled his head up and face Harry. "Oh? What did you have in mind?" Draco asked, before getting a kiss. Draco blushed, before he lend back over to Harry and started to kiss slowly. Draco wasn't sure how or when he climbed on Harry's lap, but he was. His hands locked in Harry's hair, as Harry's hands locked on Draco's hips, holding Draco still on his lap. Harry smiled, when He pulled away and brought all of Draco's hair to rest on his back that touched his knees. "Never have I seen anybody with such long hair." Harry said. "'s bothering you...Why did you ask me to keep it down?" Draco frown. "I love your hair, Draco. I really do." Harry smiled, giving him another light kiss. "It's you." Harry added. "Just makes me comfortable...and you might like it up in pig tails." Draco blushed. "Depends on what your wearing to go with it, but you don't have to dress up like a-" Harry got cut off with a kiss. "I want to. it. Little girls needs her daddy." Draco said, getting a big kiss.

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