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--Three years later--
--October 27th--

Harry reached over and turned off the alarm that Monday morning, letting out a yawn. He didn't sleep the best the night before, because his bed became filled with Three toddlers, Oakland, Olivia and Ox wake him and Draco up the night before because of the rain storm. Their big sister, Rachel, just couldn't keep them safe form the storm outside their window. Harry looked over at them all nuzzled to Draco and chuckled. He had long spoiled the children, but Harry wouldn't change it.
Harry took a quick shower and was dressed before he stepped out the bathroom, back into their bedroom seeing Ox, sitting on the bed, rubbing his eye. "No, daycare." He frowned. "buddy, we talked about this. Nobody can stay home with you, buddy. Don't you have friends?" Harry asked, easing to sit beside him on the big bed. "Sisters. Skyler is there too, and so are Robby, val and Gray, but I don't want them!" He frowned. "Daddy has to work to, but why don't I let him take you to daycare before work? That way, you can spend a little more time with him?" Harry said. "Go wif you." Ox said, grabbing Harry's arm. "Baby, work isn't a place for a little boy. You have to go to daycare and learn and have more friends." Harry said, but he just stiffed. Harry let out a sigh and picked him up. Harry stood up, with Ox nuzzled to his neck. "Come on, buddy. Let's go get some breakfast." Harry said.


Breakfast was being cooked already by Summer, the new bride of Joseph Bell. He hair was tied up in bright red braids, with little ball hairbands holding them still, they resting close to the back of her knees, all held together by a bigger hair bow. Her son, a two year old boy, was standing in a chair beside her, his dark hair also in braids like his mommy, but most didn't believe she was. Skyler? Was a very dark little boy, all of Joey showing through, but she loved her children. Skyler, Victor and Victoria. They were hers, and nobody could tell her otherwise. Harry smiled. "Market back home?" Harry asked. "A couple days ago, Stan kept him busy until this morning. Like it?" Summer said. "Of course! Steve loved learning to do the girls hair, and Skyler. Are you buddy? Did you get mommy up early?" Harry asked. Skyler got a goofy grin. "No, mommy and daddy were talking in the bathroom." Skyler said. "summer, are you still getting sick?" Harry asked. "You think about the first time, I'd remember last time." Summer said and Harry smiled. "Awe! What did Joey say?" Harry said. "To make the appointment to get the confirmation, but the says no more. Fours enough." Summer smiled lightly. "Let me know what the doctor says. Skyler, why don't you take Ox to play?" Harry said. "Okay!" Skyler Skyler said.

The two boys went off to play and Harry joined summer on the kitchen. "How's Draco? He was feeling sick yesterday himself?" She asked. "Because he ate that cake last night. He's having a sugar sensitivity, unfortunately." Harry frowned. "Well, people don't really need sugar, you know?" Summer pointed out, before the peck of a kiss happened on her cheek, and Joey grabbed a bangle. "You can't stay for breakfast?" She frowned. "They have me on first. I have to be there at six, love." He said. "Tom's in the toilet by the way." He said, grabbing a bottle of water, and lunch box to make a light lunch. "I'll send Draco to check on him, later. I'm sure he just needs a trek of the potions. Should fix it." Harry said. "Cool, thanks." Summer said. 


Their newly larger dinning room was filled with everybody, before they went to work, School or daycare. "Ma, when did you do your hair?" Victoria asked. "Market did." Summer said. "Dad, where is Market?" Steven asked, who yawned. The storm last night also woke up Robin, a little girl he adopted anyway. He loved Robin, and she was sitting on his new hubands lap, Scorpius. They married when Steven turned eighteen and they shared a three and half year old daughter. "Makety is nappy." Robin said. "He is still asleep, yes." Stan said. "He's been home three days, dad!" Steven pointed out. "He was gone six months!" Stan said and Harry chuckled. "I'm sure he'd wake up a few minutes? The children would love to see him." Harry said. "Oh, alright." Stan said, getting up form the table and disappearing down the hall.


The first to disappear form the table was James, Victoria, Victor, Steven and Scorpius who were all university students. Harry drove the school aged children to school, before he went to work, leaving Ox with Summer, because he didn't want to go to daycare. Harry said he still had To go, but at least with Summer taking him, he would only be there half a day. It seemed to make the small boy feel a bit better. Draco? Took the little children to daycare, on his way to work. Narcissa and Lucius? Worked together at a library, simple and quiet. Joey was long gone to work, leaving summer, Ox, her mom and her biological father in the house. Thomas, was back in bed, leaving Summer having some coffee with her mother, before she would had to work, and Summer for her second shift job shortly afterwards. She glanced over at Ox, who was playing with some toys. "I never understood how he is much lighter then the girls and hardly shares any their characteristics." She said. "Because Ox, was convinced by a doner. Five weeks later, the twins, were convinced, I thought I told you this?" Summer asked. "You might have, doesn't mean I recall. You have any idea the information I have to try and keep in my head when it comes to everybody? Speaking of people, Joey tells me your picture was destroyed in your locker." She pointed out and Summer let out a sigh. "Nothing I want to talk about with you, you, might be keeping your thoughts to yourself, but I know what you must think." Summer said. "I'll admit, I didn't like Joey at first, Summer, but he is a good man. You have to understand why my thoughts were such a way." She replied and Summer let out a sigh. "A woman, a black older woman, destroyed the picture of the children because non of them look mixed. She got real racist about it." Summer said. "Skyler is a dark little boy, but he is a lot more like you personality wise and he is such a sweet little boy. You'll just have to ignore the hate she is giving you, my daughter. Your hair, however, I can't imagine she is going to like it." She pointed out. "I don't really care. Let her put her hands on me." Summer said, before checking the time. "Watch Ox so I can get ready? I have to get his backpack ready too." Summer said. "Of course."


Draco picked the children up form daycare at five and went home to start an early dinner. The university students in the library working on projects, leaving Anne an Thomas watching the little ones while Draco cooked and the adults returned home. Narcissa and Lucius went off to help the school aged children with homework, and Harry dropped on the couch. "Thomas, you'll actually have to tell Draco what's wrong, or he can't fix the potions." Harry said. "It's not that." Thomas said. "He's got a bug. His temperature is already gone." Anne said, before the knock was heard on the door. Harry went to opened it, seeing the same officer that deal with Joey and his son when Victor was attcked. "I'm certain we didn't call you." Harry said. "You didn't, but There was a fight at Sunny's bar. When I was called, I happened to-" He started. "Summer. What the fuck happened?" Harry said. "I don't have the full story, but her husband should meet her at the hospital. It got physical." He pointed out. "Very well, thank you."


"Mama." Skyler fussed, getting put on the foot of the hospital bed. Summer gave him a light smile as he wiggled up on the bed. "I told you, not to fight her back." Joey said, but lend down and gave the top of her head a kiss, as her big climbed in her lap. "I can fight, Joey. I won't let some bitch hate on my kids! My boss just made me come because I told him about our conversation." Summer said. "Might as well get confirmation while we are here, okay? Maybe, it's time you get out of working at the bar?" Joey asked. "I like my job, just not her. I promise I am fine." Summer said. "Let me here that form a doctor, alright?" Joey said and she gave a nod.


The doctor would confirm the embryo growing inside summer, a surprising 12 weeks, and 2 days long. Summer really should start paying more attention to her body.

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