Chapter Fourteen

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"Good. I love my noisy little girl." Draco smiled lightly, getting a kiss. "I love you, very much. Oh, you sent that package to your son for his sixteenth, right?" Harry said. "I did. Thank you for letting me spend-" Draco got caught off with a kiss. "If course, Draco. He is just as important as the rest of the children." Harry said. "Thank you, Harry." Draco smiled.

Two more weeks past by, and Draco stood in the mirror. He has gain three pounds when he step on the scale this morning. Three pounds might not be such a big deal, but to Draco it was. 120 was already to big in his eye and the added three was really bothering him. His stomach? It was hard and it looked slightly rounded. "Draco, you've been standing there for half an hour. You're prefect." Harry said, giving Draco a kiss who whined and pulled at Harry's jacket. Harry laughed, but took off his jacket and put it over Draco's shoulders. "I'm getting fat again." Draco fussed, turning back towards the mirror. "You are no where near fat. You are like Fourty pounds lighter then myself." Harry said. "But your build and it's workout stuff. I'm just fat, even my stomach says so." Draco fussed. "What do you mean?" Harry asked, giving his neck a kiss as Draco pushed off the jacket again. " aren't fat." Harry said. "Yes, I am." "No, you aren't. I...didn't pull out. I wasn't thinking about what you told me about Narcissa." Harry said. "Harry, I'm not. I tried for two years, I doubt it happened the first time we fucked." Draco whined. "Then you won't care to see the doctor?" Harry said. "Meaning I'm taking you anyway to prove I'm right." Draco said. "I see how unsafe it is for James. If you are-" Harry started, getting a kiss. "Unlike James, I can handle it. James wasn't meant to become pregnant. I'll be fine...but I am sorry. I should have made a-" Draco got caught off this time with a kiss. "No. You even told me yourself you wanted another baby." Harry said. "I did...but I don't want to add to your stress..." Draco frown. "It isn't your fault...I do love you, very much. I'll be happy to have a baby with you." Harry said. "I still think I'm getting fat, but yes...I will see the doctor." Draco said and wasn't too happy that the doctor agreed to see him that afternoon.

Harry agreed to let Narcissa keep an eye on the baby and the smaller kids. Harry was never going to really trust somebody with his kids, but Narcissa nor Lucius was going anywhere. They had also been pretty much obeying by the rules of the house Harry put in a long time ago for anybody outside the family to follow. Narcissa...was a part of the family, and the children did enjoy her company. So in the end, Harry agreed.
The doctor done all the blood work, that did show the same pregnancy hormone woman (and James) have. Draco was pregnant and he wanted an ultrasound to see just how far along he was because the number was higher then what it should be for five week.
"I don't at all mean to sound any kind of way, but are you sure the timeline?" The doctor asks, walking back into the hospital room. " something wrong?" Draco asked. "Your hormones are a bit higher then then should be for five week, but with you it could be normal. I do want to get a sonogram." He said. "Sure...I want to be sure anyway." Draco said. "He's having a hard time believing it happened on the first try." Harry said. "It's not as rare as you think, Draco." He smiled lightly. "But lay down, lets have a look." The doctor said.
Harry was worried when the doctor spend so much time looking around and printed off nine little ultrasounds in a line. "How long have you two been together?" He asked, cleaning off Draco's stomach. "Seven...weeks? Maybe closer to eight, but I know when we had sex." Draco said, fixing his jeans. "Did you have a partner before?" The doctor asked. "No." Draco said. "When was the last time you went to the bank?" Harry asked. "...Ten weeks ago, but in over two years it never work." Draco said. "Draco. I wouldn't change my mind even if it did. The kids wouldn't care either." Harry said. "It's very rare, but it has happened in the past. Your just like a woman on the inside, so I'm not surprised this happened because there are cases of it before." He said, before handing Draco the large ultrasound he printed off first. Draco's colour quickly left. "T-thats three?" Draco whispered, as Harry eased down beside him having a look at the sonogram. "Why is the measurements on the one larger then the other two?" Harry asked. "Because the single, is five weeks older then the twins." He replied. "Are you sure that's possible?" Harry asked. "I am sure. It's hard to get a read on the twins, only being five weeks, but his numbers are very healthy. So is the single baby. I feel safe saying the twins are also healthy." He said, and Draco ran off towards the bathroom, hitting a knee to vomit.
"Are you sure, I mean with James-" Harry started. "James is very, very different. Draco is very healthy. The single baby is very health as well. Triplets can become a problem closer to term, but I don't feel any need to worry about Draco. The only thing that does worry me. Is he won't be able to carry the twins a full 40 weeks, because of the other baby." He said. "You're sure the timeline of the twins?" Harry asked. "I am, why?" He asked. "Then they can have magic used on them if need be." Harry replied.

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