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UA students filled the already crowded gym bleachers, all collectively wondering why they were brought here. After what felt like an eternity, principal Nezu came out on stage. The deafening chatter came to a halt.

"Students of UA," the mouse-like creature began. "It is with great sadness I inform you, that UA's safety has been compromised, and teaching can no longer commence at this facility."

A murmur broke out among the students.

"Unfortunately, all students must be transferred to our sister locations in other countries, which are overseas. You have a week to pack your things and say goodbye to your families. Your teachers will have more information and details. I'm so sorry it all has come to this." With that, he left the stage. 

An uproar of disbelief made a deafening sound as it echoed through the room. The teachers began to take all of their now distraught students back to their classrooms.

" Mr. Aizawa, where will we be going?" Ochako asked, once she was sitting at her desk. He looked at a piece of paper.

"Looks like we're going to America. Class is dismissed for the rest of the week so you can all pack up your dorms. Please begin this process now."

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