70 | Answers

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Mofū, bakugo, Todoroki, Mizu, Neko, & Jikan all sat in Blaze & Ahri's living room.

Blaze and Ahri sat on the couch facing everyone.

Blaze cleared his throat.

"As all of you know, Two days ago Ahri tried to kill herself."

The group solemnly nodded.

"When testing her for mental health disorders... they discovered something... they did some more investigation and..."

He looked to Ahri, who took a deep breath.

"Guys..." her voice shook. "I have brain cancer."

Todoroki dropped the glass he was holding, and it shattered all over the floor.

No one moved to pick it up.

"You two better be fucking with us right now..." Bakugo hissed.

Ahri sniffed and shook her head.

Neko looked confused.

"Cancer can be treated though, right? With chemotherapy?"

Blaze sighed.

"We're still waiting on the results for exactly what kind it is, but the specific type she has is resistant to chemo... it only slows it down a little bit as opposed to stopping it. There's a chance it could be a kind that can be removed with surgery but... it's highly unlikely."

"So you're saying..." Todoroki whispered. "That she's... dying?"

Blaze slowly nodded.

"How much time did they say she has left?" Bakugo sniffed.

Blaze hesitated.

"At most... less than a year."

Mofū gasped."Are you guys serious?"

Ahri sobbed into Blaze's chest as tears ran down his face.

Mizu buried her face in Todoroki's shoulder, and Bakugo buried his face in Mofū's chest.

Neko hiccuped.

When Neko is really really upset, she gets hiccups.

No one knows why.

But she was hiccuping a lot while Jikan comforted her.




"Guys it's the doctor!"

Blaze bolted up with his phone and ran into another room.

When he came back, he had a dumb grin on his face.

"They can operate on the tumor."

Ahri gasped.

"It's the right kind?"

Blaze nodded.

Bakugo jumped up out of his chair.


Ahri looked at her shaking hands.

"I'm gonna be okay..." she whispered, a grin spreading across her face. "IM GONNA BE OKAY!"

Mizu pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead.

"Wow, the author really cut that one close didn't she!"

Mofū nodded.

"I thought she might actually kill ahri off this time!"

Bakugo laughed.

"There's no story if there's no main character, and the only people ablaze readers care about are Blaze and Ahri..."

Todoroki cleared his throat.

"I'm right here. And I STILL haven't gotten my cake."

"Stop breaking the fourth wall, you guys!" Neko hissed. 

"But remember, it could always return."

"Yeah, but don't ruin this for us."

"Brain surgery isn't something to joke about."

"Just let us have this."

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