30 | Wrong

25 3 4

It was 1:00 am.

Ahri was in her third trimester and the baby was due in a month, so sleep was a rare thing.

She'd just randomly wake up in the middle of the night, feel for her baby's kick, the baby would kick, and she'd go back to sleep.

But tonight she was having a nightmare.

Something was chasing her. She kept running from it, it would almost catch her, and then she'd get away again.

Whatever it was it was huge.

It looked like a goat that had been burned, with a snake's tongue and a shark's teeth.

After running for what felt like forever, she began to tire.

The creature began to catch up with her.

She fell down and became paralyzed. The creature let out a multi-tone screech before opening its mouth to devour her.

She screamed, and sat straight up in bed, in a cold sweat. Her body was shaking and she was breathing heavily.

Blaze sat up with her, as she startled him awake.

"Babe, is everything okay?"

She felt her enlarged stomach and began the exercises her doctor taught her.

"One... two... three...-" she counted in her head."Fourteen... fifteen."


Her body froze.

"Babe-call the Doctor."

He looked at her as concern brewed in his eyes.

"There's something wrong with the baby."

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