65 | Nightmares to Night Terrors

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"Mommy? Where's daddy?"

"Daddy went on a trip."


"Over the rainbow bridge."

"When will he be back?"

"He's not coming back."


"Because he's dead."

"What does that mean?"

"Go pack your things for Auntie Mofū and Uncle Bakugo's."


Ahri opened the safe hidden in her and Blaze's closet, carefully removing its contents and taking them into the bathroom.

Using scotch tape, she pinned a letter on the back of the master bathroom door, before entering and locking it.

She slowly opened and loaded the handgun on the wet countertop, her hands shaking as she worked.

Tears flowed down her face and she removed the safety and cocked the gun.

She placed the gun against the right side of her head and took one last look at herself in the mirror.

Mofū and Bakugo would find her note tonight.

They'd find her tonight.

She'd left enough behind to cover everything Misaki and Itsuki would need.

Ahri just couldn't go on.

Without Blaze, she couldn't get out of bed in the morning.

Without Blaze, she had no reason to eat.

Without Blaze, her reason to keep living was gone.

Blaze was gone.

She had to be with him again.

She couldn't take it any longer.

She sucked in a breath to calm her nerves.

"Itsuki, Misaki..." She croaked, as streams of tears flowed stronger. She squeezed her eyes shut, no longer being able to stare at the ghost of who she once was.

"Don't ever forget that mama and daddy love you very, very, very much."

She sniffed, steadying the arm holding the gun to her head.

"Goodbye, my babies. I love you."

Then, she pulled the trigger.

There was a sharp pain, followed by an empty nothingness.

A void of nothing but endless black.


"Ahri?" A familiar voice called out from the darkness.

"Ahri, talk to me!"

It was Blaze.

"Ahri, wake up! You're having a nightmare!"

Her body shook violently.


She opened her eyes to see a concerned blaze hovering over her.

"Ahri, please! You're talking in your sleep again!"

"Talking in my sleep?"

"Oh thank God..." he sighed. "You were mumbling something about 'Goodbye my babies' and then you started crying..."

The dream came flooding back into her mind, and tears welled in her eyes.

"Did you have another nightmare?"

She nodded before burying her face in his shoulder.

"I... I killed myself... I shot myself in the head..."

Blaze pulled her into a tight hug.

The 'never letting go' kind of hug.

He almost instantly began crying, his voice cracking like old cement.

"Have you ever thought about doing that?"

Ahri hesitated for a moment before gently nodding.

"Baby please don't ever do that. I love you. I love you so much. Please, please, PLEASE don't kill yourself. Don't leave me like Giana did..."

That was something Blaze didn't ever talk about.


Giana was Blaze's childhood best friend, and first girlfriend.

She hung herself at 13.

Detectives declared her motive was a mix of two things: being bullied and harassed by older boys and that one of her uncles had molested her.

She hung herself on her bedroom ceiling fan.

She had been home alone.

Blaze found her body.

He burst into her room happy as ever.

"Hey, G! Wanna hang ou-"

That's when he saw her lifeless body. 

Hanging from the ceiling fan, staring back at him.

She had been dead for a while before he found her.

That's why blaze is always so protective over those he loves.

That's why blaze was so quiet when he and Ahri first met.

That's why he became a Pro Hero.

He couldn't save Giana, but maybe, just maybe, he could save other little girls from the same fate.

"Please Ahri..."

"Blaze... I-..."

All either of them could manage was to sit there, in their bed, in the dark, holding each other.

And they cried.

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