32 | When Blaze Gets Drunk

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I'm sorry, It got out of hand, but you asked for it.

So here is this bunch of flaming garbage.

Also, the FBI agent watching my search history is probably very concerned as to why a girl in her early teens googled at 11 pm "how many beers does it take to get drunk" and "signs of being drunk".

It had been almost a year since the miscarriage.

Blaze was turning 21, so the rest of his friends who were old enough (which for plot reasons are Mofū, Bakugo, Mizu & todoroki) decided to take him out drinking. 

Ahri, who was Turing 20 that summer, wasn't old enough to drink yet and stayed home.

She was perfectly fine with this because she could watch whatever she wanted on tv (which was quantum leap) and eat ice cream straight out of the container without getting caught.

Todoroki was the designated driver because somehow, even though he never drank, when he did, it had no effect on him.

Ahri was halfway through her fifth episode of quantum leap (which is an hour per episode) when she heard a car pull up. It was 11 pm, which wasn't as late as she thought they'd be.

The next thing she heard was the front door open. She turned around and got up to greet her friends and husband.

Todoroki was helping Blaze into the house.

Ahri laughed.

"How drunk are they?"

Todoroki sighed.

"Mofū had like, 6 or 8 beers, I don't remember, Bakugo was an animal, and I think Mizu only had 3 glasses of wine spread out over the whole time. Bakugo and Mofū are passed out in the car."

"And what about Blaze? How many drinks did he have?"

Todoroki avoided eye contact.

"I think about 10. He's gonna be a nightmare in the morning."

Ahri shot him a look.

"Easy for you to say. You don't have to deal with him."

"Well, I better get them home. See you later."

the door shut in Ahri's face.

She sighed and turned around to Blaze, who was stumbling around the kitchen.

"Babe, we need to get you to bed."

He grabbed onto the wall to steady himself.

"I don't... don't wanna. Im not... tirrred."

"I don't care if your tired, but you're drunk. You need sleep."

"I'm not... drunk."

He fell over.

Ahri laughed and began helping him to the couch.

She handed him a glass of water.

"You need to get the alcohol out of your system."

He drank it begrudgingly, and Ahri refilled the cup once it was empty.

It ended up deluding it to the point that he could think somewhat clearly.

Not straight.

not well.

just clear.

"We need to get you to bed."

She helped him up off the couch and led him to their bedroom.


Anyway moving on.


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