5 | Questions And Conversations

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About an hour later, everyone was pretty well acquainted. Tensions had eased, and the atmosphere was calm.

It was about 8:15 pm.

Out of nowhere, Ahri yawned."I hate to cut this short, but I think I'm gonna head to bed."

She stood up, and before anyone could say anything, she walked away.

"Goodnight." She said, without turning around.

Ahri's room was on a higher floor, so she had to take the elevator. She stepped inside, and the door closed.

The few American students who witnessed this shot nervous glances at each other.

Blaze, who had been sitting next to her again, glanced behind his shoulder, before looking back at Mizu, Akiko, and Neko, who had all witnessed her behavior. They all gave him a soft nod.

He bolted up and ran after her, which caught the attention of the other students.

The American students looked at each other nervously, communicating through facial expressions; while the Japanese students sat confused.

After about ten minutes, Blaze came back. The party had got back on track, and he gave a soft nod, and the three girls nodded in return.


Izuku headed to Blaze's dorm. He had questions. Why did Ahri leave so early?

Everyone else was asleep.

He cautiously knocked on Blaze's door.

After a moment, the door squeaked open to reveal a confused Blaze.

"Can I... Help you...?"

Izuku nodded. "I have some questions About the withdraws of Ahri's quirk. I would have asked her, but she's already asleep."

Blaze nodded and motioned for him to come in and take a seat, closing the door behind him.

"So what were you wondering?"

"Why did she leave so early?"

Blaze paused.

"As a result of so many lives swirling around in her mind, she suffers a lot of mental trauma."

Izuku nodded.

"Severe depression, anxiety, PTSD even though she wasn't the one who experienced the event first hand."

Izuku's eyes widened.

"Because of this, She experiences mood swings. And earlier, after using her quirk on your entire class, she had a mental break down. She reached a point where she couldn't take it anymore so she removed herself from the situation."

"I guess that makes sense."

Blaze sighed.

"Well, we need to get some sleep, tomorrow is Saturday and there's a surprise planned."

Izuku nodded and left Blaze's room.

He knew Blaze wasn't telling him everything, but he didn't want to push him to the point of betraying Ahri's trust.

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