20 | Hope

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"Blaze, say hi to her for us!"

"Tell her we love her!"

"And That were rooting for her!"

Blaze ran through the hospital. It was empty.

After all, 3:00 am was a bit early for most people.

They had taken her off the life support, but she still needed ventilators.

They said she was in a vegetative state.

But none of that mattered to him.

He just wanted to be near her again.

He walked into the room after being disinfected.

She stared blankly at the ceiling, blinking occasionally.

He ran to her side.

He grabbed her hand.

Blaze began to tell her everything their classmates sent and how much they all miss her and that she needed to get better because Eri was counting on her help doing everyone's nails again.

Ahri stared blankly off into space.

Then he told her about how much he missed her and how much he loved her and what they're gonna do when she gets better.

She grabbed his hand.

He paused mid-sentence.

"Ahri... can you... understand me?"

She squeezed his hand.

Hope filled his heart.

"Blink twice if you understand me."

Her eyelids fluttered twice.

"Squeeze my hand twice if you're annoyed that I keep asking me if you understand me."

Two squeezes.

Blaze smiled.

Tears filled his eyes, overflowing and rolling down his cheeks.

"You're gonna be okay..."

She's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

She wasn't going to leave him.

"Everything is gonna be alright."

Ablaze -|-  A My Hero Academia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now