35 | Arrival

28 3 5

Ahri sat in the living room eating Oreos.

The babies were due any time this week, and she kept eating junk food because of her cravings.

She needed to stop.

"Hey babe," she shouted, her mouth full of cookie.


"Come put these somewhere I can't reach them please."

Blaze walked into the room, grabbed the container, and set it down on the floor in front of Ahri.

He grinned, obviously proud of himself.

She glared at him.

"Oh fuck you."

"I did, that's what got you in this situation in the first place."

Ahri sighed."Why do I even try anymore."

"You blacked out last time, I did all the work."

"Blaze I swear to fucking God-"

"Woah, now you're cheating on me with GOD?!?!"

"You really want to sleep on the couch tonight don't you?"

He smirked. "You'd just get lonely after five minutes."

"You suck."

"No, I swallow."

She sighed before pausing and making a face.

"Blaze-" her voice was filled with urgency.

"Blaze the babies are coming."

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