91 | Explanation

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Ahri paced back and forth in front of Blaze, who was sitting on the couch with a massive headache.

"This is the fourth time this week, and it's only Wednesday. I'm starting to think this isn't just a one-time thing."

She paused and crossed her arms.

"You came home at 4 AM drunk off your ass wreaking of cigarettes, booze, and cheap perfume."

Ahri leaned down to eye level with her husband.

"Care to explain yourself?"

Blaze sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Once again, I will say, the drunkenness was a villain that was down by the docks, which is why I smelt. Are you happy?"

Ahri rolled her eyes.

"That's been your excuse for the past month."

"...And we've been trying to catch this villain for a month."

Ahri scoffed.

"Then why are there no records at the agency."

"For one," Blaze grumbled, closing his eyes. "We were all too drunk from his quirk to file a report. We also believe it's an inside job because he always knows when we're coming. We don't want to file reports because the job is top secret."

Ahri furrowed her brow.

"That's a pretty elaborate excuse... and it's believable... I don't think you could come up with something like that on your own. You're off the hook this time."

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