38 | A New Mission

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"So what's this mission for?"

"Now that your children are over 1 year, the family leave is no longer an option. Whether you like it or not, you two are some of the best pro heroes around. And, now that Ahri has lost the baby weight and gotten back into shape, you can work again. We would have had Mofū on this mission, but as you know, she just had her daughter a month ago. Mizu was two months ago and Neko is still pregnant. You're our only option."

Blaze sighed.

"So what do you want us to do?"

"There's a group of criminals in an underground society running a gladiator ring that they force people they've kidnapped to fight to the death in. Sometimes the villains themselves just kill for sport. We need you to infiltrate the system of power and shut it down."

Ahri shifted in her seat.

"But what's the catch?"

The officer sighed.

"Be ready in two hours."

"That didn't answer my question, Hiro."

Hiro sighed again.

"You gotta be careful. Every spy we've sent hasn't responded. And if they capture you, they won't just kill you. Blaze would probably be forced to fight to the death, and you would probably be kept as a sex slave if you weren't sent to the arena."

Blaze winced and Ahri scoffed.

"Like I haven't been through that already. Plus, that's if  we get caught."

"But think about all the people you would free."

Ahri and Blaze paused.

"Do they know how many people are prisoners?"

Hiro looked to the ground.

"We don't know the exact amount, but the estimate on people from ages 6-45 is about 2,320."

Blaze and Ahri exchanged looks.

"Alright..." Blaze began.

"We're in."

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