62 | Nightmare

15 2 4

"You were only supposed to get the kids!"

"I know, but we ran into some complications."

"Lucky for you this could work to our advantage... the rest of the world thinks they're dead."

"Damn, Dabi... you must've choked her pretty hard for her to have been out for this long..."

Ahri's head throbbed as she regained consciousness for what felt like the first time in years.

Thick ropes pinned her body to a concrete pillar, and a gag made it impossible for her to speak.

She felt burning.



"Looks like she's finally come to..."

"Dabi, feel free to have your way with her..."

Sentences came in and out in waves... everything seemed like it was pulsing.

She couldn't see straight.

Tears poured down her cheeks.

Days blurred together.

Nothing made sense.


"I'm here, Ahri."

"I can't see you..."

"That's cuz you're blindfolded."

"Where are we..."



"I'm sorry, Ahri. I failed you. I couldn't keep you safe like I promised... and now Itsuki and Misaki could be dead..."



"I'm scared..."

"I am too..."

"Are you blindfolded?"


"How long have we been here?"

"I... I don't know..."

"We need to find a way o-........."

A melatonin gas released into the chamber and they both fell asleep.


Shiguraki tied her to a chair, sliced off one of her tails, and pulled out a gun.

He pulled the trigger, but the bullet hit Blaze instead.

It killed him instantly.

Ahri screamed but nothing came out of her mouth.

Shiguraki pulled the trigger again.

The bullet flew towards ahri in slow motion.

It penetrated her body in a moment of excruciating tearing and burning pain.


Ahri sat straight up in a cold sweat.

"What? Ahri?! What's wrong?!? Are you okay?!? Talk to me, baby!"

She took in her surroundings.


It had all been a dream.

Ablaze -|-  A My Hero Academia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now