4 | A Proper Welcome

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It was evening. The sun had set, and it was getting dark. The students from Japan had spent the rest of the day unpacking and moving into their dorms. Once they all finished (which was about the same time), they headed back to the main area where the U.S. students were hanging out. Even Bakugo came.

The U.S. students had invited them to hang out with snacks and video games so they could get to know each other better.

And y'all know Denki don't pass up Doritos.

When they got there, most of the lights were off, creating a cozy atmosphere. Three boys and a couple of girls were playing super smash on the switch (which was hooked up to the tv). The girl who had been on the building earlier was sitting on a beanbag in the darkest corner doing something on her phone.

The crystal girl and few others sat on the floor looking through magazines. The fox girl and a boy with brown hair sat next to each other on the couch, his arm casually draped around her. She sat there scrolling on her phone. She seemed a lot less intimidating in a loose t-shirt and jeans as opposed to the tight, revealing hero costume she had been wearing earlier.

She glanced up from her phone and saw the students approaching. She set the phone down and stood up to greet them with a smile. The boy sitting next to her looked annoyed when she got up, but then did nothing to make her come back.

When the class got closer she waved excitedly.

"Hi!" She grinned. "I didn't get to say this earlier, so I'm gonna say it now." Her smile widened. "Welcome to the grand U.S. of A! Sit down wherever you like, and if you're hungry snacks are over there. We tried to pick out both things you can only get in America and things you can find only in japan, so help yourselves!"

A lot of the class smiled, but after a few seconds of silence, she noticed Izuku had a notebook. She eyed it curiously.

"What's that?"

"Oh!" He smiled "it's my hero analysis journal. It's where I keep all my notes on quirks! You guys have some pretty extraordinary powers, and I was hoping maybe I could ask some questions and make some notes on you!"

The girl's eyes widened. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you don't know any of our names... I'm Ahri Miyuki, and that over there is Blaze Hijiri." The boy on the couch waved. 

She motioned to the girl on the beanbag. "That's Mofū Dobitsū, and she's kind of a bitch."

"HEY!" Mofū snapped. "Don't try me you peppy ass excuse for a fox."

Ahri laughed nervously. "Moving on, that's Akkiko Kesshō," she pointed to the crystal girl. "And that's Mizu, Neko, Gijutsu, Toei, Hokori, Sukiru, Kaze, Jikan, Camille, and Miru."

They all waved.

Izuku was jotting all this down in his notebook.

"Blaze's quirk is blowtorch. Basically the same as hell flame or cremation, but he can only use it in his hands. Akiko's quirk is crystalize: she creates crystals with the strength of steel beams in the same way todoroki creates ice, but they dissolve in water. Mofu can morph into any animal, and Neko is a cat. The same way Froppy is a frog, but instead of a frog, she's a cat. Kaze controls the wind, Miru can teleport random shit, Gijutsu can create and intercept radio transmissions, Mizu can control the temperature, pressure, and flow of water, and Sukiru can copy and share physical abilities to and from herself for a limited time. Camille can camouflage herself like a chameleon. Toei can create holograms, Hokori can create clouds of dust and debris, and last but not least, Jikan can literally bend the fabric of time and space."

The entire Japanese class sat in awe.

"That explains everything that happened in the battle..." Izuku whispered.

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