2 | A Worthy Opponent

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Mineta opened his eyes.

He was alone in an alleyway.

"GUYS?" He shouted.

He turned around to see the crystal girl from earlier.


Her foot hit the ground, and the next thing Mineta knew, he was out of the game.

Akiko Kesshō; hero name: Iluminescence. Her quirk: Crystalize. She can create pastel and holographic crystals with the strength of steel beams in the same way todoroki creates ice. Her weakness: Her crystals dissolve in water.

"MINETA HAS BEEN ELIMINATED BY AKKIKO" boomed through the training grounds.

Less than an hour later, the only japan students left in the game were Izuku, Todoroki, & Bakugo.Only 2 of the 13 U.S. students remained. 

Bakugo was in an alleyway, looking for anyone on his side.

He saw something move out of the corner of his eye. He followed it. He found himself facing a dead end.

That's when she came back. The same fox girl from earlier.

He heard her coming from behind.

He turned around to face her.

He smirked as she came to a halt."Oh ho ho you're a dumbass."She smirked at him."And you're a bitch."He paused.

She charged at him. He got ready to attack, with a big right hook.

She doesn't know me, so she can't predict it. He thought.

Without hesitation, she blocked his attack, grabbed his hand, threw him in the air, and slammed him onto the ground, knocking him unconscious. She put the Velcro pin on him.

"BAKUGO HAS BEEN ELIMINATED BY AHRI." Rang throughout the stadium.

No one could believe it.

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