1 | Let The Games Begin

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It wasn't long before the bus came to a stop in the U.S. UA parking lot.

The students filed out, each grabbing their duffle bags.

"So, each class the UA students transfer to got to pick how to welcome the new class and show off each other's quirks." Mr. Aizawa said, checking his paper.

"Your new classmates chose a class-v.s.-class battle in a city training ground. This allows both groups to show off what they're capable of."

The entire class grinned in unison.

"Go and get changed into your hero costumes. Their teacher will lead you to the locker rooms."


"Here's how this system works. You have to render your enemy unable to move, then pin this Velcro tracker to them so a teacher can come and remove them from the battle. Does that make sense?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, good. Just don't underestimate those students, they're some of the best in America. But other than that, go out there and get 'em!"

The entire class walked down the empty street.

"I'm going off on my own-"

"Bakubro, remember the licensing exam."

Bakugo grunted."Fine. I'll stay to keep that icy hot bastard in line."

"Wow, Bakugo. You're pretty level-headed about all this." Kaminari eyed him suspiciously. "Everything okay?"

Before he could respond, a girl ran out in front of them. It took her a moment to notice they were there, and both the girl and class 1-A sat in silence for a second.

The girl had dirty blond hair, blue eyes, fox ears, and nine tails.

She stood frozen looking at them all for a moment. She mouthed "oh shit" before a tsunami of attacks hit her.

After a moment everything stopped. You could have heard a pin drop. Smoke billowed from the pile of rubble left from explosions and ice (no one else could react fast enough).

Then she emerged unharmed. 

She walked towards them with a smug look on her face. She paused when she was about 30 feet away and giggled.

Sero sent some tape in her direction. It glitched right through her.

"She must have some kind of hologram quirk..." Izuku began.

She heard this, and began playing with a blue glowing orb; bouncing it from tail to tail. 

"Guess again."

Everyone sat in shock.

"So if it's not her quirk, then it's someone else's..." he continued.

"...meaning she's not really here."

She giggled.

"Ah, maybe japan wasn't lying when they said they had smart students."

"Well then why don't you come out here and fight us like a real man!" Kirishima shouted. 

The girl smirked.

 "That's the thing... I'm not a man."

Kirishima paused confused for a moment. 

The girl's look changed.

"NOW!" She shouted as she disappeared. 

Before anyone could react, pastel crystals shot up out of the ground, holding everyone in place.

Then a blue blur whizzed past everyone, making contact with each person before disappearing.

A girl with wavy brown hair that had pastel ends ran past the young heroes before she too disappeared. 

A faint roar echoed in the distance.

"Do you guys hear that?" Kaminari asked. 

Suddenly a huge wall of water crashed into the group, dissolving the crystals and separating the Japanese students.

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