69 | Memories

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Blaze followed one of the doctors into the room where Ahri was.

She was wide awake, chipper, and sunny. Full of life, aside from the black circles under her eyes.

"Blaze!" She called out when he came into view. He recognized her raspy tone of voice as her morning voice.

The voice she spoke in when she'd just woken up.

The memory of the first time he'd heard it rushed back to him.

It was one of their first dates; before the Japanese students came to America. They had been watching a movie in his dorm, and she fell asleep on him. He was so afraid to disturb her that they ended up sleeping all night snuggled together. The next morning was the first time he'd heard that voice. At the time, he thought it was sexy AF.

He smiled sadly at the memory, approaching her bedside.

The doctors ushered all of the nurses out.

Ahri's expression faded into a frown.

"Babe... I can tell you've been crying... is something wrong?"

The door to the room shut as he sat on the side of the bed.

He placed his hand in hers, and his stomach filled with butterflies, just like the first time they held hands.

It was about a month before the Japanese students arrived.

They were taking a walk, and he had finally worked up the courage to hold her hand.

He was terrified.

But he managed it.


"Ahri..." hot tears welled in his eyes as he choked on the growing lump in his throat.

"The doctors figured out you hallucinated... they did some scans and they discovered..." he sniffed. "We don't know for sure yet, we haven't received the test results... but..."

He wiped away his tears with his sleeve.

"Ahri they found a tumor in your brain..."

Her jaw dropped, and tears flooded her eyes.

"The chance that it's cancerous is pretty high... they're saying chemo and surgery could delay it but..."

He sniffed again, looking up to meet her gaze.

"You have less than a year left..."

She shook her head as tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

"You're lying..." her voice was barely a whisper.

He squeezed her hand and pressed his lips, tears escaping his eyes as he gently shook his head.

She began to sob as he pulled her into his arms.

"I want you to know," he croaked. "How much I love you." 

She looked up at him, and he kissed her.

It was a sad kiss, not the normal passionate, sexy, arousing kiss.

They used it to express their emotions in a different way. It was slow and sad, and kinda sloppy.

It brought back memories of their first kiss.

The students from Japan had only been there a few weeks, and the duo had been hanging out in Ahri's dorm. They were play-wrestling on her bed, and he had managed to pin her down.

He hovered over her, staring into her eyes, mesmerized by their deep color.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

She blushed and got kinda flustered.

He laughed and booped her on the nose.

"You're cute when you're flustered."

This flustered her even more.

He smirked.

"I wonder..."

He laid down on top of her and kissed her, right then and there.

It was sloppy, and neither one of them knew what the hell they were doing, but they were happy with it, and that was all that mattered.

Blaze smiled at the memory, thinking about how far they'd come.

"Blaze..." Ahri whispered. "I feel like I've never said this enough... but I love you... so, so much..."

"I love you too..."

The first "I love you."

They were stargazing on valentine's day.

Snugged together on a blanket.

They were alone for one of the first times ever.

Things had gotten kinda steamy, so she was sitting on his lap, his arms around her lower waist. He was gently kissing and nibbling on her neck, which they had just discovered as something she liked.

This was also when they discovered her super-sensitive sweet spot.

He nibbled on what seemed to be a normal area on her neck.

But then she moaned and he smiled and laughed.

She sighed and turned around to straddle and face him.

He grabbed her thighs to steady her as she leaned in and began kissing his neck.

He sighed and whispered into her ear.

"I love you, Ahri Miyuki."

She sighed and pressed her forehead to his.

"I love you too, Blaze."

"Mr. Hijiri?"

One of the doctors snapped him out of his daydream.

"May I have a word with you?"

He nodded and walked towards the exit.

"What is it?" Blaze sighed, as he closed the door to Ahri's room.

"Some of the test results came in."

Blaze looked expectantly at the group.

"It's cancer."

His heart dropped what felt like 10 stories.

"But we don't know if it's the kind that you can remove with surgery and it won't return."

"How long will those results take?"


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