78 | Sacrifice

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"I think this is the last one!" Sukiru shouted, helping someone sit down on the sidewalk. She ripped a strip of fabric from the skirt of her already shredded dress, wrapping it around the person's bleeding wound. "The fight is still going strong."

"I wish I could help them," Jikan replied, motioning for Neko to hand him more makeshift bandages. "But my quirk is needed to slow the bleeding. Whoever would have thought this thing could be so useful?"

"Mofū, Mizu, & I can go." Blaze jogged over to the door. "The rest of you, stay here."


"Goddamnit!" Bakugo yelled, sending an explosion at the attacker. "Use your fucking quirk Deku!"

"I can't! The building will collapse, and I have a little daughter and a wife, so I'm not exactly in the mood to get crushed today!"

"Well you've been crushed before, so what's the big deal with it happening agai-"

Bakugo was cut off by a bullet piercing his chest. He silently fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"KAT!" Mofū screamed, running to his side. "Kat, talk to me, baby-"


Mofū screamed and grabbed her shoulder, blood running down her arm.

She fell to the ground next to her husband, passing out from the pain.

Todoroki sent ice in the perpetrator's direction.


It shattered through the ice, and Todoroki fell backward to the ground.

Mizu ran to his side as blood began to stain his white shirt.


Mizu joined him on the floor.

The man aimed at Ahri.


Without thinking, Blaze jumped in front of her.

Within an instant pain surged through his body.

He fell to the ground as his vision went blurry. His ears were ringing so loud he couldn't hear anything else. He grabbed his side, the place it hurt.

It felt wet.

He glanced at his hand.

It was dripping with blood.

He closed his eyes.

No. You're not going down like this.

He tried standing back up, but he could only move his arms.

With the last strength he had, Blaze sent fire at the man. Ahri sent a wall of energy and Deku fired a minimum power blast, causing some kind of vortex to form.

Blaze squeezed his eyes shut until the wind stopped.

He opened them, and the room was a wreck.

Deku walked over, mouthing something to Ahri with a worried look on his face while motioning to Blaze.

Was it over?

Did they win?

The last thing he saw was Ahri looking at him, horrified.

Then everything went black.

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