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"Are you ready?"

Ahri took in a deep breath.





Ahri waited.

About 100 people ran into the arena.

Shock rang through the stadium.

Guards ran out into the ring while the audience sat on the edge of their seats.


Over one thousand prisoners stormed the arena.

Ahri had to trust that Hitoka, Hiroto, And Shizukana could handle themselves.

She had to trust that they could find their way.

She had to trust that they would follow through.

She had to trust them.

Ahri took a deep breath before stepping into the chaos. Damien was busy fighting and didn't see blaze and Ahri breaking the chains of his "pets".

And oh boy did those girls give Him a run for his money. They beat the living shit out of him.

They're out.

Ahri knew it.

Hitoka had used her quirk on Ahri so that she could roughly sense where they were.

They made it out, and Ahri lost connection.

They just had to hold on.

A guard ran at Ahri, weapon poised. She used manipulate to create an orb of raw energy, which she hurled at the man.

It knocked him off the ledge and down several stories.

Ahri winced.

A mouse climbed up Ahri's leg.

She squealed, and the mouse shushed her.

Wait a minute.

Ahri used memory on the mouse.

It was Mofū.

They were saved.

Suddenly a pane in the glass ceiling of the arena shattered as a pair of vermillion wings swooped by.

Mofū morphed into a human.

"Genius idea Ahri."

"Thank you."

"We should probably get down there and help."

Ahri nodded as Mofū morphed into a Pegasus.

"Stepping up your game, I see."

Ahri mounted the horse before it flew down to the bottom floor, jumping off as Mofū morphed back to herself.

"Please tell me more people are coming,"

Mofū smirked.

"3... 2... 1..."

Ahri heard glass shattering. She looked up and saw a slide of ice making its way down, and blasts of water blew the glass shards clear out of the way.

A loud explosion broke a hole in a wall on the right side.

"Next time, tell us where they're at." Bakugo chuckled.

Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Sero, Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, Momo, Jiro, Ojiro, Toykoyami, Gijutsu, Miru, Kaze, akiko, Jikan, Neko, Toei, And Hokori all came behind him.


(Enter sweet home Alabama)

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