75 | Preparation

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"Are you sure your mom can handle all 11 of the kids?" Mofū sighed while struggling to clasp an earring.

"They'll be fine," Bakugo laughed. "Remember, they're with the woman who raised me."

Mofū frowned. "That doesn't exactly make me feel better."

Bakugo adjusted his tie in the mirror. "I know they can be a bit much, but my mom can handle herself."

Mofū furrowed her brow. "If Aizakku doesn't poop behind Blaze and Ahri's couch, your mom will. And handling the triplets? They're still infants! One infant is hard enough, let alone three!"

"She has Dad and Rei with her."

"If we get back from this and one of the kids has a burn scar on their face I'm gonna punch you in the balls."

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