72 | Follow My Lead

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Author's note: I found my new bop and this is so what Blaze would sing if he was a pop star and I can't even ahsdhguauewgfsdfaksh 

I simp for my own character okay

fight me

Am I the only one who simps for Blaze?


Blaze sat next to Ahri in bed.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Ahri smiled.

"So much it gets annoying."


He leaned in and kissed her, slowly making his way down to her neck as he pulled himself on top of her, bringing his kisses back up to her ear.

"You deserve someone way better, but yet somehow you chose me." He whispered, his breath tickling her skin.

"And I want to constantly remind you of how amazing you are."

Ahri giggled.

"I love you, Blaze."

"I love you too, Ahri."

He returned to kissing her neck, reaching over and turning off the light.

Moonlight illuminated the room as Blaze's hands crept up under Ahri's shirt.

"Blaze-" she whispered, squeezing his arm.

"What's wrong? Am I hurting you?" He pulled away frantically.

"No- it's just that..." She paused, somewhat embarrassed. "I'm not sure I remember how to-"

Blaze froze for a moment before smiling and lying back down.

"Just follow my lead..." He purred. "And let me do all the work. You just relax and let everything out, okay?"

Ahri smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Blaze..."

"It's me who's lucky to have you, Ahri." He sighed, kissing her collar bone.

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