77 | I Love You

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"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Blaze hummed, his arms around Ahri's waist as they rocked back and forth with the music.

"Yeah, only about 30 times." Ahri giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Blaze sighed. "I love you, Ahri."

"I lo-"

A bang echoed through the room.

It was followed by a scream.

"Was that-"


Panic began to ensue as screams filled the room and people dove for cover.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Blaze yelled, pulling Ahri to the ground with him. "We need to evacuate and-"

Ahri was already up and running.

Blaze got up and followed, and she stopped behind a pillar.

"You can't just run like that, you need a plan!"

"Well, we don't exactly have time ri-"


"That sounds like-"

Blaze peeked around the pillar to see none other than Bakugo.

Of course he would do that.

Blaze turned back towards Ahri, who was running again.

"Goddamnit." He mumbled, running after her.

"Okay here's the plan." She whispered when he caught up. "I need you to figure out who needs to be evacuated and find the others. Figure out who's wounded, and call for ambulances. I'll go help Bakugo distract the shooters. If you find Deku or Shoto, send them our way. Everyone else should help evacuate."

Blaze nodded. "I love you, be safe."

"I will. I love you too."

Ahri bolted towards Bakugo, leaving Blaze behind.

Little did they know, things were about to change forever.

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