16 | Prisoner

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When Ahri woke up, she couldn't see anything.

She was blindfolded and gaged, as well as chained to something.

Where was she?

"Looks like she's awake."

Someone pulled off the blindfold.

It was dark.

The room was made of damp, rough concrete.

Her arms were chained to walls she couldn't see.

The only light came from a small lightbulb hanging from the ceiling 30 or 40 feet above her.

She was standing on her knees, the chains around her wrists supporting her body.

She tried to move them, but the chains were just too heavy.

The rough concrete scraped against her bare knees.

In front of her sat the league of villains.

Shiguraki entered the room and motioned for dabi to remove the gag.

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?"

Shiguraki gave a grim smile.

"Well, we've heard that you have some kind of quirk that allows you to view other people's lives. We were looking to see if you'd tell us top secret information about UA and it's students."

Ahri stared at him bewildered.

"There's no point in trying. I'd never help scumbags like you." She spit in Shiguraki's direction.

"Alright." Shiguraki motioned to dabi. "Tell us now or we'll have to kill you."

Ahri was terrified. But on the outside, she remained calm, maintaining eye contact with Shigaraki. Even as Dabi's flames got dangerously close to her face.

"You kill me and all the information you want is gone."

Shiguraki paused.

He waved for Dabi to move away.

"Smart girl. Lucky for you we tried stealing your quirk earlier. Didn't work."

Ahri let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Oh but don't worry..." his milk-Curdling smile returned. "We have ways of persuasion..."

Toga grabbed a knife.

Shiguraki didn't break eye contact with Ahri.

"Toga, let's start with cutting one of her tails off..."

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