31.5 | Everything Is Gonna Be Okay

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Blaze lay in bed with Ahri, comforting her.

She was curled up in his arms, sobbing into his chest.

He cried every last tear he had in him at the hospital.

There was no use for words.

They hadn't gotten back from the hospital until daylight, and now they had a funeral to plan.

They had been waiting to know the gender. They didn't intend to find out this way.

Their poor baby girl, whom they would never know, and who would never know them.

Mofū and Katsuki were going to tell friends and family.

It was just too hard for Ahri and Blaze to do.

Mofū had pointed out that they could always try again.

They wanted to.

They wanted it so badly.

But they couldn't.

They were afraid.

They didn't want to lose any more children.

Ahri couldn't help but feel like she wasn't good enough.

Blaze had told her that wasn't true.

But that didn't mean she believed it.

She let out another sob.

Blaze held her close and whispered in her ear.

"Everything is gonna be okay..."

Okay I'm sorry that was super depressing but I promise you it will get better now

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