59 | Surprize

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The sun barely peeked over the horizon as the four families rounded the corner and the Christmas tree came into view.

Stockings were overflowing, and there were presents for days.

The children ran down the stairs at full speed, only to be beaten by Bakugo & Mofū, who forbade any opening of presents until they had breakfast.

Neko set the table while Jikan and todoroki warmed up some chocolate-chip muffins made the day prior.

Blaze helped steady Ahri as she came down the stairs.

She was, for all intensive purposes, fully recovered, but still a little weak here and there.

"Look!" Luca shouted. "Santa came!" She pointed to the plate and cup with nothing but crumbs and drops of milk.

"Did he now?" Ahri smiled and winked at Todoroki.

"Yeah, I even saw him! He looked kind of like daddy, but I know it wasn't daddy. Daddy was too busy wrestling with mommy."

Bakugo choked on his coffee.

Neko gave Luca a quizzical expression. "Wrestling?"

"Yeah, when they're in their bed and they get naked, and mommy yells daddy's name. She also says "Ah!" a lot... Daddy always wins though, because mommy is always sound asleep after-"

Mizu and Todoroki turned bright red.

Todoroki grabbed the tray of muffins and set them on the table, laughing nervously. "Food's ready."

The kids begrudgingly shoved muffins in their mouths as quickly as possible, while the parents took their sweet time.

Once they were finally done eating, they headed over to the main seating area.

The kids dumped their stockings out on the floor in front of them, before heading for the tree.

"Todo, baby?" Mizu seemed to glow with excitement as she handed him a thin rectangular package. "This is for you, and it's very special. It's also sort of for everyone else, but you specifically."

Mofū jumped up from her spot on the couch. "That reminds me!" She ran behind the tree and grabbed a package the same size. "I have something for you Bakugo... we wanted you two to open them at the same time."

Bakugo and Todoroki looked confused.

"Go ahead and open them!" Mofū grinned.

Both men slowly unwrapped the packages. It was some kind of picture frame.

Bakugo's face lit up.

"Mofū... is this... are you...?"

Mofū nodded.

Todoroki looked shocked.

"So that means this is..."

Mizu smiled. "Yup!"

Bakugo turned the picture frame around for everyone to see.

It was a normal frame.

But the picture was of an ultrasound with the clear silhouette of a developing baby.

Todoroki smiled as a single tear of joy ran down his cheek.

"Mizu... how long have you known?"

She smiled. "A few weeks."

Todoroki turned his frame around.

It was the exact same as Bakugo's, but there was one difference.

There were two babies in the image.

"Congrats, you guys!" Neko clapped. "I wish I was pregnant again."

Jikan smirked and slapped her ass.

"That can be arranged."

Neko squeaked and turned bright red, while Jikan started hysterically laughing.

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