93 | One Punch Cat

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Blaze rubbed his sore head, looking over to the alarm clock.

2 pm.

He had one hell of a hangover.

Man, what day even was it?

Ahri must already be up.

He headed downstairs, but no one was there.

He checked the bedrooms and the beds were empty.

He headed to the entryway.

That's when he saw the shattered glass.

The events of the previous night came rushing back to him.

He picked one of the photo frames up off the ground.

It was the most recent family photo.

But the glass had cracked perfectly so that he was separated from the family.

The other was of him and Ahri at their wedding.

The glass was completely obliterated.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Blaze opened it without thinking.

There stood Mizu and Neko.

Mizu locked eyes with Blaze and lunged at him, but Neko held her back, whispering something in her ear.

Whatever it was, it calmed Mizu down.

Then, out of nowhere, Neko pinched him in the face, and Mizu punched him in the balls.

He fell to the floor, and the girls walked away.

Ablaze -|-  A My Hero Academia Fan FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon