I Need Some Help (Rant, It's Genuinely funny, I Recommend You Read It.)

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Okay, I really don't know where to go with this from here.

Y'all wanted some more lemon shit.

And y'all wanted character backstories.

I guess maybe I'll do those separately.

You've also been saying how this was my hero academia and you wanted to see more of the characters from the anime.

The reason I haven't had much of them is because I kept forgetting half of their names...

I'm sorry...

That won't happen anymore.



Y'all need to get your priorities straighter than your sexuality here.

Well, I guess I could always do an AU lemon, but I'm not to happy about having that on my phone.

Le Sigh.



While I await your answers on what I should do I will continue to simp for my own character.

Just so you know, Blaze is based off of my real boyfriend/very close friend, but Blaze is a better version because fan service bitches and we're in high school and he only has held my hand once due to truth or dare at a friend's birthday party.

The birthday girl was the character Neko is based off of.

The person Jikan is based off of was dared to kiss a chicken during that game of truth or dare.


He kissed that chicken.

And yes I know I'm as bad as Horokoshi about ignoring characters.

We have a kid who can literally bend the fabric of time and space, and we're focusing on a girl who is based off of a video game character who's squishy AF.

Welcome to anime bitches.

I really don't know what I want to do with this.

I was just kind of doing whatever.

Maybe I should skip to when they graduate?

Okay I'm definitely gonna do that eventually.

Maybe throw in a couple of weddings.

*wink wink nudge nudge*

I'm thinking about doing another chapter where Ahri deals with mental health issues.

But I know my friends will kill me if I don't do backstories.

"Do you have a backstory for the character based off of me?"

"I haven't fleshed one out yet."

"WeLl HoW cAn YoU aLmOsT kIlL oFf YoUr ChArAcTeR tWiCe AnD nOt HaVe A bAcKsToRy FoR mInE?"

Yes, I'm looking at you Grace.

I know she's gonna be reading this.

And no, Grace, you cannot write the backstory for your character. Same goes for you Mackenzie.

Also why did none of you care that I used the word "fleshed"?

I've never used that word before.

Idk because like,

I don't know where to take this.

I really want to do some more mental health stuff because I myself have struggled with it. I haven't been sexually assaulted or anything, unless you count a game of glow-in-the-dark pac man tag at a JR. High church lock-in where a boy who was one of the four people "it" in a game that there were like, 15 people playing, like four of which were girls. It was like, 11:30 pm or something and all the guys were pretty horny. And they were high on mini powdered doughnuts, Oreos, and Mountain Dew, which we all know is equivalent to an adult being drunk on both tequila and whiskey while also being stoned as ever-loving hell and having just snorted cocaine so this already wasn't a great situation because they all still had lots of energy and it was early in the night. It was dark and the chaperones couldn't see great. (My friends Mackenzie, Janelle, Tori, Johnathan and hunter where all there and can validate all of this.) I'm a dancer, so I have a nice rear quarters. It couldn't dream of being an eighth of Kim K.'s size, but definitely not flat. I wouldn't classify myself as ugly either, and where I live, the pickings are pretty slim. I have been forced to import my friends from other nearby towns. It's hard to find a decent looking girl around here who isn't a bitch and a half. (Yes I'm looking at you other Addison. No, not you, the other Addison. Point is there are a lot of Addisons within a 10 mile radius of my house. Moving on) We live in a small town, and for some reason, we have an overpopulation of males who are the absolute stereotype shitty over obnoxious football player who won't pass the ball in basketball to you because (and I quote) "you're a girl" until kegan's pants fall down for the fifth time that game so to make you look bad he yeets the ball at you whacking you in the back of the head because you didn't want your 10-year-old virgin eyes to see keagan's hairy-ass buttcrack and then use it as a "I passed the ball but you weren't paying attention" exuse. Yes, I'm looking at you, Caleb.

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