21 | Graduation

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"MY BABY! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!" Mofu's mom hugged her really tight. 

Mofū looked embarrassed but accepted the affection. Mofū's stepdad gave her a pat on the back.

Ahri giggled and gave Mofū a wink.

She was never going to live this one down.

Once Mofū escaped the loving grasp of her parents, Ahri walked over to her.

"Will I see you at the party tonight?"

Mofū smiled. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."


"Denki, how many times do I have to tell you; the bouncy castle is for the kids." Jiro scorned.

Denki didn't listen.

He kept jumping with the kids.

Meanwhile, Ahri and Mofū were chatting happily when a particular boy decided to sneak attack Mofū from behind.

He jumped up and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Mofū let out a short squeal before she realized who it was.

"KAT! My God! Don't do that!" She clutched her chest while he grinned.

Ahri laughed.

Bakugo looked at Mofū. 

"I haven't seen you all day, where have you been?"

She sighed. "Busy. You know how my family is."

He nodded, taking a sip of the drink Ahri just realized he had in his hand. He turned to face her.

"How's your day been, A?"

She smiled. "Long, but well worth the wait."

"Did I miss something?"

Ahri turned her head.

"Hey, babe!" She smiled, giving Blaze a short wave.

"Nah, not much." Bakugo sighed. "Your day been okay?"

Blaze nodded, wrapping his arms around Ahri's waist, mimicking Bakugo's position with Mofū.

"Heyyyyyyy," a familiar voice rang out.

"Mizu! Todoroki!" Ahri grinned. "How's it going?"

Mizu strode up to the conversation, her arm linked with Todoroki's. 

"Good thanks. Nice party!" She took a sip out of the pop can she was holding, before scowling.

"Babe," she looked up at Todoroki. "My drink is warm."

He smiled and took her drink from her, using his quirk on the right side to cool down the beverage. After a few seconds, he handed it back.

Mizu took another sip.

"Mmmm," she smiled. "Refreshing."

Ahri and Mofū stood with their mouths agape.

Ahri looked Mizu in the eye.

"I want one." She said, in a monotonous voice.

Blaze pulled her closer and whimpered.

Ahri giggled. "Oh stop being so jealous."


A few hours passed, and not much happened. 

But then all of the sudden all of her classmates kind of vanished.

"Ahri," Blaze said, grabbing her hand.

"There's something I want to show you."

She followed him.

He took her out to a gazebo on the edge of the property. Next to it was a weeping willow tree, a Japanese cherry blossom tree, and a small waterfall that went into a stream leading off of the property.

The stars were shining above them, like a dazzling display of diamonds.

He stopped in the gazebo and turned to face her.

"Ahri," He began, as his eyes flashed around. His cheeks grew pink.

"When I came to UA for the entrance exams, I had no friends. I was shy and terrified, and I didn't recognize anyone there. I wanted to go home. I almost ran right back to the bus I came on. But before I could, a crazy, over-enthusiastic girl started talking to me. Next thing I knew she was my best friend, who I'd later discover was the love of my life."

Was this going where she thought it was?

"Through every trial we faced, she was always there for me. She never was afraid to do something if it was the right thing, no matter the consequences. Always loyal to those she cares about. Always compassionate and willing to help anyone who needs it. And I fell in love with that girl. I fell in love with you, Ahri."

He smiled, and she blushed.

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Her heart sped up.

"Ahri Miyuki," he pulled something out of his pocket and got down on one knee.

Ahri's heart beat so fast she felt like it was going to leap out of her chest.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

All she could think was: "ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod—"

He opened the box.

A ring. {my God girl I can hear you squealing from here}

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, and marry me?"

Her eyes welled with tears. 

She paused for no more than a second before she heard Bakugo yell across the yard: "SAY YES OR I WILL IDIOT!"

They both laughed.


She smiled and nodded vigorously.

The grin on Blaze's face was the purest thing she has ever seen.

He slid the ring onto her finger and her classmates cheered.

It took her a moment to realize they had been watching from nearby.

But she didn't care.

She was engaged to the love of her life.

Blaze, her fiancé.

She liked the sound of that.

Ablaze -|-  A My Hero Academia Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant