Attack on Mr Weasley and Seeing dad

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Vals pov

Christmas was coming quickly and it was almost time to go home. We were all sleeping peacefully when Professor Mcgonagall rushed in grabbing me and telling to go to Dumbledore. I ran as quick as I could to his office, I burst through the door to see all the Weasleys. Harry turned and I gasp. "What's going on headmaster?" I ask quickly. "Theres been an attack on Mr Weasley" I snap my head towards my favorite twins to see them with there heads down. I walk over to each Weasley, I hug Ginny then Ron, and I head over to the Twins. I squeeze George into a hug and when I pull back I see tears well up and spill before collapsing back into my arms. I whisper soothing things in his ear while we wait for Molly to show up. "Sssh he'll be alright I promise" I whisper, he pulls back and look at me. I saw who the twins actually were, they were scared for the first time. "Go sit with Harry okay?" He nods and moves to sit next to Harry. I turn to Fred and he looks at me, I saw sadness and tears welled up. I pull him into a hug and he sobs just like George did. "He'll be fine! I promise" I whisper to him just as I did with George. "Ms Black, you will be sent home along with the Weasleys seeing as you can help keep them calm and I'm sure your dad would love to hear you got together with Mr Weasley." I blush but nod. Snape bursts through the door and I jump. Snape looks around to see George and Fred broken and he seems shocked. "You called headmaster?" He says in a blank tone. "Yes Harry needs Occlumency lessons" I glare at Snape as he yanks Harry out of his seat. I watch them disappear through the door and it slams shut. "Ah Molly I'm sure you heard your boys and Ms Black will be going home with you!" Dumbledore says as Molly walks through the fireplace. "Come along dears we need to get you in bed and then in the morning we can go see dad!" Each of us take turns with the floo powder. Fred and I go together, once we arrive back home Fred drags me up to his and Georges room. His mom had figured out that we were dating so it wasn't a big deal. "Fred I didn't bring my pajamas." I state as we walk upstairs. "You can sleep in my shirt" I blush, but nod. Once he changed into just pajama pants I couldn't keep my eyes off of his torso. I blush as he catches me looking, "like what you see?" He asks winking at me. "Oh shut it you know I do!" I wink at him before heading to the bathroom. I bump into Ginny on the way out and she laughs at me as I look down. "Use protection!" She calls as I walk off. "Same to you and Harry" I call back before closing the door before she can hurt me. Fred is laying on his bed and looks up when I close the door. He gets up off the bed walking over to me. He grabs my hand leading me over to his bed. He gets under the covers and I crawl in behind him. We lay there his arm wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I look up at him and see he's already looking down at me. He brings his hand to brush my hair behind my face. I close my eyes and sigh, I feel him lean down. I open my eyes to see him about half an inch away. I close the gap between us, kissing him made all my worries disappear. I lace my hands through his hair and I pull at it slightly making him whimper. I pull at his bottom lip as his hand, the one on my waist slides further down my back side. He rolled us over so I was beneath him. He moved to in between my legs so I wrapped them around his waist. His lips left mine and moved to my neck. I let a tiny moan out as he found my sweet spot, He growled as I moaned his name quietly "Fred" I knew it was selfish of us to do this on the night Arthur was attacked but I didn't care to much. George slept on the couch that night just so you know ;)


I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Fred. I get up grabbing his shirt before walking downstairs and seeing everyone is up. "Morning everyone" I say sleepily. "Morning" George winks at me and I blush. "I think I'm going to go see dad today while you go to see Arthur" I state reaching for a cup making the shirt ride up just a bit. Molly and Ginny are in the living room and so it's just me, George and Ron. "You know Fred is lucky to have you" George says winking at me. I roll my eyes, "Oi eyes off she's mine!" Fred snaps, "Just saying how lucky you are to have her" George says putting his hands up. I groan hiding myself behind Fred. "Fred did you want to come with me to see dad or no?" I ask as I borrow clothes from Ginny. "I think ill go with mum but George would be happy to go with you!" George opens his mouth to object but I give him pleading eyes. He sighs and nods, "Fine but I'm not getting the lecture!" He pouts. I roll my eyes and finish getting dressed. When I walk out and towards Fred and Georges room, as I walk in they stop talking and look at me. Their jaws dropped open and I look down. "You know Fred, your a very lucky guy." George states. "Be careful!" Fred calls as we step into the fireplace. "Whatever I'm always careful!" I call back before saying "12 Grimmauld Place!" I sputter pushing smoke and ash off of my clothes. "Wrong day to wear white!" I growl. "Dad!" I call out. I walk upstairs past my grandmother. "Filthy blood traitor!" I roll my eyes sending a blanket to cover it up. George follows me up to my dad's room. I push the door open to see my dad laying face down on the bed. "Daddy?" I ask walking up to his side. "Val?" He ask sitting up. I see his eyes are puffy. "What happened dad?" I ask sitting by him. "Me and Remus got into a fight and he told me he didn't love me and I said I hated him and now he's gone!" I pull my dad into a hug, George stays by the door uncomfortable. "Don't worry about it dad! He'll come back! I promise he always does" I say as dad pulls back. "How do you know?" He asks. "Because Remus and I used to get into huge fights around the full moon and he would disappear for days and then come back after the full moon." I explained. "What's going on?" He asks looking at George. "My dad was attacked by you-know-who's snake" I roll my eyes. "Nagini attacked Arthur" dad's eyes widen. "Is he alright?" He asks. "We don't know. George came with me since Fred is scared. But me and Fred are dating" I say quietly. Dad's eyes lit up, "Finally I never thought that boy would ask you out. But all of you are coming over for Christmas day!" I smile. "I'm gonna run back to the Weasleys to get my clothes and I'll be back." I announced. George and I walk over to the fireplace before shouting "The Burrow!" I brush the ash and cough as I walk out of the fireplace. George pats my back and I lean over. "God I hate doing that!" I say as the door opens. In comes the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry. "Hey guys!" I hug Hermione and Harry. Fred picks me up twirling me around. "Hows dad?" I ask. The family was like mine. "Good he's recovering" Fred whispers. He lightly kisses me and I pull back smiling. "I'm staying with my dad until Christmas day and then I'll stay with you guys. By the way my dad wants everyone over for dinner on Christmas day!" I say as Fred snakes an arm around my waist. "Oh that will be lovely!" Mrs. Weasley states. "Alright, I'll be back after I spend the morning with my dad and get you guys sound good?" I got a ton of yeahs and smile. I kiss Fred one more time before heading home.

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