Chapter Seven

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Vals pov.

Dear Valentina,
First I want to apologize, I wasn't there when you needed me and I regret it every day. I hope Remus and the Weasley's have helped raised you well which from what I saw in the shack they did a better job than I ever could've. You've got your mother's spirit, when you're ready to talk just use Hedwig to send a letter. We have a lot to discuss if you want to that is. I understand if you don't. I'm here and ready whenever you are.


The year had finally come to an end with Gryffindor winning the quidditch cup and Remus leaving. Someone (Snape) had let out that he was a werewolf and he resigned from the position. I wasn't too worried about saying goodbye seeing as I would be living with him this summer. Boarding the train George gets on first as does Fred but he turns to me.

"Here," I laugh and grab his out stretched hand. "So where are you going for the rest of summer?" He questions as we make our way towards an empty compartment. Both he and George put our trunks on the top racks before we're collapsing into our seats.

"Honestly I'll probably just hang around with Remus I have no where else to be" I shrug as the train begins pulling from the station.

"Why don't you come stay with us for a little bit of the summer!" Fred suggests. 

"If it's okay with your mum." I knew she would be but I wanted to make sure they asked first instead of just inviting me over. I had plans to send a letter back to my dad about maybe meeting up to talk in person seeing as it would be easier but we'll see. I hear the trolley lady making her way down the hall and rise to my feet as she pauses in front of our compartment.

"Anything for you dear?" She questions as I glance around the cart.

"Three chocolate frogs please." I request kindly before reaching for my money. Too my surprise someone beats me too it. I glance up to see Hufflepuff's star quidditch player smiling down at me.

"I got it." He waves my objection off.

"Anything else dear?" She asks Cedric. 

"Oh no thank you just hoping to get by" I turn back to Fred and George before Cedric calls my name. "Valentina!" I hand over the frogs before turning to Cedric. 

"Hello Cedric" I greet closing the compartment door after me. "Thank you for paying you didn't have to do that." A blush creeps up my neck as he rubs the back of his.

"But I wanted to." He leans an arm above my head. I look down at my feet smiling. "I was hoping that I could see you sometime over the summer." He suggests making my head snap up.

"But I have-"

"I don't care, in fact I think your scars make you even cooler." Cedric grins down at me as I feel my heart pound in my chest. It was no question that Cedric was one of the cutest guys in school. Him, Oliver Wood and the Weasley twins were the hearthrobs of the school.

"I'd have to talk to my godfather about it but I'm sure we could come up with something." I bite my lip as he perks up.

"Really? I mean...great! Uh I'll owl you?" I agree giving him my address for the Weasley's and Remus' place just in case. "Great I look forward to seeing you this summer."

"Me too Cedric." He heads back to his compartment as I rejoin Fred and George who give me a questioning look.

"What did Diggory want?" Fred questions.

"He wanted to know if we could meet up this summer." I couldn't keep the grin off my face.

"Ooh look at you! Breaking hearts left and right." George teases me but I notice Fred's mood had turned sour and leave it alone. Hopefully next year would be much better.

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