Dragons and Break ups

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Vals pov

I hurried over to the Champions tent. I walked in quickly grabbed Cedric by his collar and slammed his lips on mine. "I ask you one thing" I close my eyes leaning my forehead against his. "For me not to die?" He asks. "To come out of all three tasks alive and well." I state opening my eyes again. He kisses me hard on the mouth and then again on the head. Harry walks by and I grab him. I pull him in for a hug. "I ask you the same thing I asked Cedric" I state. "To not die?" He asks. "To come out of all three tasks alive and well." I state. He nods and hugs me. "Gather around champions." Dumbledore states. I kiss Cedric one last time before heading to the stands. I sit next to Hermione and Ron waiting for the cannon to sound. Cedric comes out first and is battling the Swedish Shortsnout. He takes my advice and transfigures a rock into a golden retriever. I watch in fear, Cedric grabs the egg but at the last second the dragon turns to him and shoots fire at him burning half of his face. I clutch the railing but sigh in relief when he walks out safely. Fleur was battling the Common Welsh Green. I watch as she enchants it to sleep and grabs the egg. However the dragon snorts out a flame and it catches her skirt. She quickly puts it out and hurry's off. Viktor is the third to go, battling the Chinese Fireball. He blinds it causing it to smash the real eggs. I wince, Charlie was not going to be happy about that. "And now our last Champion Harry Potter" I watch legs shaking and nervousness surrounding me. Harry hides behind a rock and summons his firebolt.  As soon as Harry begins to fly on his broomstick the Dragon gets free and chases after him. We watch the skies for about five minutes until Harry comes flying back grabbing the egg and landing. I rush to the medical tent and smack Harry. "Don't smack ever smack do smack that smack again!" I say as he tries to dodge my hands. "Okay!" He laughs. I walk over to where Cedric is and smile taking his hand. "Still love me?" He asks a grin on his face. I smile brushing some hair out of his face. "You are still handsome as ever." I promise. He smiles and we all head up to the castle. 

Later that night

I smack Harry with a book over and over again! I had hit him earlier but I wanted to get my message clear. "What were you thinking?" I ask him. He smiles at me, "honestly I wasn't." He says. I turn to Cedric to see him kiss Cho. Everyone turns and gasps, I snatch up my stuff and stock out of the great hall. I run into Fred and George, "hey Val whats wrong?" George knew me like a book. "Oh yeah know my boyfriend decided to kiss Cho" I state. I push past them and rush to the Gryffindor Tower. I'm sobbing into my pillow by the time everyone returns. Hermione and Ginny comfort me but all I want is Cedric. For him to comfort me and love me and hold me and kiss me. "He doesn't deserve you" Ginny says. "I miss him so much!" I cry. 

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