Birthday Surprises

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Val's pov
"Is it done?" I ask. "He's cleared" Kingsley smiles. "Both of you my place at six tell the Weasleys too!" I race out the door and back home before my dad could get up. I hide the paper in my room and head downstairs to make breakfast, it was dads birthday. "You're up early?" He says stretching. "Its your birthday why wouldn't I be?" I ask. "I made your favorite" I grin at him. "How did you know?" He asks. "Remus, he used to tell me all about you," I grin. "Your'e thirty seven?" I question. "Yes," Dad kisses my forehead and I smile. "I've invited everyone over for dinner, but for breakfast and lunch it'll just be us." I grin kissing my dads cheek. "Thank you sweetheart." He whispers. "Anything for my daddy," I hug him. "You don't get your present from until everyone arrives for dinner tonight." I say placing his plate down on the table. I fix my breakfast and here a thump in the living room. I go to the living room and see an owl laying there, "Daddy!" I call carefully picking the owl up. "What is it?" Dad comes rushing in. "It has a piece of parchment tied to it's leg." I carefully grab it and dad heals the owl. It coos at us before rushing back out the window. I open it and read it, it only has two words. "I'm Sorry?" I read out loud. "Who is it from?" Dad asks. "I don't know, it just says I'm sorry" I shrug. "Whatever," I shrug thinking nothing of it. Dad and I spent all day just spending the day together, we laughed and he told me about his time at Hogwarts, when the clock struck six, everyone was there, Remus, Tonks, the Weasley's everyone except Bill, Charlie and Percy, Harry and Hermione were there too, as was Kingsley, Mad Eye even made it. "All right everyone settle down," I say as everyone chats excitedly. "Now, before we begin I have something very important to say." I explain. "Fourteen years ago my dad was taken away, now I had no idea why because I was like a year and a half or something like that, but when my third year at Hogwarts came around he had escaped I have yet to figure out how he did it." Everyone laughs. "Remus I'm glad to have grown up with you your like my uncle, but theres one man who has always been there for me even when he wasn't, I've never realized how much I've needed him before now, so here's to you dad for being the best dad in the world." I raise my glass. "Cheers." My dad comes up and hugs me tightly. "Thank you," He whispers. "Now let the feast begin." I sit in between Fred and Dad, Fred takes my hand smiling at me. I lean over and kiss his cheek. After dinner we eat cake and celebrate. "Dad, I have something to give you well, Harry and I do, I'll be right back." I race upstairs and grab the paper that states my dad was free of any charges. I quickly head back downstairs and hand my dad the paper. "Happy Birthday Daddy," I whisper. He reads the paper and looks up at me, he drops the paper and tackles me into a hug. He begins to cry and I smile, "From this day forth Sirius Black is innocent!" Kingsley states. Everyone explodes into cheers, "This is the best birthday ever." I smile at him. My dad was a free man again. 

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