A Portkey and Worse Sense of Direction

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The summer flew by of course, but as the end of it came so did something exciting. Arthur had managed to score tickets to the Quidditch World Cup this year. Don't ask me how but he did. Now I enjoy Quidditch as much as the next person but the only thing I was looking forward to was seeing the oldest two Weasley brothers and Cedric. 

Bill and Charlie would be joining us. I hadn't exactly seen either one of them since they left for their respective jobs. Bill being a curse breaker and Charlie a dragon tamer. Both dangerous professions that nearly give Molly a heart attack daily. 

And as for Cedric, well that was simply because he was my boyfriend and I would be able to spend time with him with the trip. Bill and Charlie had agreed to meet us at the Cup but the rest of us would be traveling by portkey. The thought made my stomach twist as I hated using portrays as a form of transportation. It always ended with me landing harshly on the ground and almost breaking something. 

My dad had been worried sending me off with the Weasley's to the cup this year, he had a feeling something was off about it but Remus and mine reassurance made it so he agreed. He still held worried and ordered me to send him a letter the minute that the we arrived home safely. 

"Wake up Ronald! Wake up!" I giggle slightly hearing Hermione waking the last two up. Everyone else had been up before as they had Molly to get them up but that wasn't what I was watching. No I was watching Fred and George, the other day when picking Harry up for the cup, they had 'dropped' a Ton-Tongue-Toffee on the floor that Harry's cousin Dudley had picked up and eaten. According to Arthur, the boy's tongue had grown a couple of sizes before Arthur was allowed to fix it. 

To say I laughed harder than ever at this as Fred and George smirked at each other was an understatement. But now...Molly was involved. 

"Accio! Accio! Accio!" Molly shouted, and toffees zoomed from all sorts of unlikely places, including the lining of George's jacket and the turn-ups of Fred's jeans.

"We spent six months developing those!" Fred shouted at his mother, as she threw the toffees away. Both boys faces were red with anger but Molly was redder. The others had joined them now and I wince as Harry glances over at me questioningly. 

"Oh, a fine way to spend six months!" Their mother shrieked. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.Ls!"

A hand flies to my mouth as I share a wide eyed look with the trio. The twins faces had changed to being almost emotionless as the air in the room turned sour. "We should get going!" Arthur exclaims suddenly making everyone shuffle towards the door as Molly begrudgingly says goodbye to her boys. 

I'm the last one out and when Molly isn't looking I snag some of the candy she had thrown out. Rushing after the others, I come up to the twins who walked silently with their heads down frowns on their faces. 

"Your mother is wrong." I state quietly making the two glance over at me. "I think it's brilliant what you're doing. You two should be proud of yourselves." 

"Thanks Val..." George sighs. "But that doesn't stop the fact that she took all of our hard work. We spent months on that and now we have to start again." 

Pulling my bag in front of me I open it and hold it out for the twins to see into it. Their faces light up seeing the carefully wrapped colored candy inside the bag. "No you don't." 

"You snuck some out?" Fred questions glancing between me and bag. I blush shrugging as the two suddenly crush me into a hug. "You're marvelous Valentina Black!" 

"Boys!" Arthur barks making us break out of the hug. "Come on! We're gonna be late!" 

With Fred and George's arms slung around my shoulders the three of us follow after the others. The twins tell me about their plans to open a joke shop up after graduating. I listen intently as this was something they were passionate about, this was also something I could see them accomplishing some day. 

Hate on me (Fred Weasley love story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα