Chapter Four

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Vals pov 

Searching for the twins the next day was fairly easy considering they towered above the rest. "George!" I call pushing through a few students as the two giants come to a stop. "Hey I need to speak to you....alone." I glare at Fred who rolls his eyes and stalks a few feet away out of earshot.

"What did you need" George asks.

"Well have you heard of the Marauders map?" He tenses up and I smirk, gotcha. He had it, I knew it. Him and Fred, of course how else could they have gotten out of so much trouble.

"Why?" He asks. 

"Dumbledore asked me to keep a hold of it." I explain quietly. "Look I don't want it but Dumbledore personally asked himself. I'll keep it safe and if you two ever need it, just ask." I smile holding my hand out for it. "I know you have it George." He pulls it from his bag and I shove it into mine. "With my dad running's best someone has it in their person always. Especially if he comes after Harry."

"What about you?" George frowns as I shrug.

"My father is looking for Harry instead of wondering if I am dead or not." I shrug. "Thanks George," He nods and I turn walking away hearing Fred immediately ask what that was about.

"Ms Black may I talk to you for a minute?" I stop and glance over at Remus who was leaning against the door of his classroom. I hadn't been sleeping very well lately so obviously he was going to check up on me. I enter the classroom shutting the door behind me and smile at him.

"Fine Remus." I lie rubbing the back of my neck.

"Don't give me that crap" Remus snorts.

"Well it seems as if the entire school either hates me, ignores me, is terrified of me or thinks it's funny to taunt me. Fred hates me and is always being rude to me and I don't even know what I did. Everyone's so concerned about Harry and my father but I don't think my father even remembers having a daughter! Oh and I can't sleep that much now." I let out as Remus sighs.

"Your father has not forgotten about you and I cannot tell you why he is after Harry and I know for a fact that Fred does not hate you." My godfather explains as I slouch against a nearby desk.

"How do you know?" I ask looking at him. 

"I just do my dear," He says wiping my stray tears just a knock comes from the door. With one wave of Remus' wand the door is opening to reveal Snape. I roll my eyes as he stalks into the room with a vial.

"I have your potion." He hands it over to

"Professor" I say as hello. I had never really been rude to him outside of potions but because of what he's done to Neville he was still on my shit list.

"Ms Black." He says in return. He notices my red eyes and gives me a questioning look. I put my head down and Remus takes his potion. 

"Why didn't you ask me to make you one?" I question frowning as my Godfather smiles at me.

"I didn't want to bother you."

"You know how to make a wolfbanes potion?" The potions master questions raising an eyebrow.

"I perfected it when I was seven." I smirk before turning into a golden retriever. "That is how I stopped myself from getting bitten." I explain when I'm back to being human. Snape looks at me in surprise. I had even came up with a spell to make sure I came back with clothes on, it was easier than trying to take clothes out with me every day.

"Interesting." Snape glances between both me and Remus before stalking back out the door.

"Is he ever gonna remove that stick up his ass?"


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