Battle of the Astronomy tower

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Val's pov

Things between Harry and I were extremely tense as the next few weeks went by. I was still pissed off about what he had done to Draco who was back on his feet and normal self thankfully. Hermione and Ron were kind of upset with me but I could care less. They didn't know what truly happened that night. I tried helping Draco with whatever was going on but he refused to, just telling me that I needed to stay away from him.

"Val!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Turning to face Draco I frown seeing he looked a bit better than normal. One part of me hoped he never got to finishing the wardrobe but another part wanted him to just because I didn't want to see him suffer anymore. Draco's hair was less greasy and it looked like he had gotten some more sleep.

"Draco, how are you?" I hadn't had the chance to talk to him since the bathroom incident. He grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side of the hall out of the way of other students making my heart drop...he must have made progress.

"I'm fine but listen to me, you have to stay in your bed tonight. I finished the wardrobe." Draco explains. "Promise me you'll stay in your bed."

"They're coming tonight?" Nodding Draco sighs. "Draco please tell me you aren't going to try to kill Dumbledore..."

"I don't have a choice." He shakes his head. "I have to do this or he'll kill my mother. Just promise me you'll stay in your dorm tonight." He begs me. "Please Val."

"I will Draco." But I knew I wouldn't, of course I wouldn't I wanted to save him, he was family. Sighing with relief Draco nods glancing around. "What's gonna happen?"

"I don't know but nothing good." With that said, my cousin turns and walks away. Biting my lip I wonder if I should go to Professor McGonagall  or Dumbledore about this. Surely Dumbledore knows something up, he wouldn't just not know about one of his students being a death eater.

"You okay?" Blinking I realize I had been standing by myself in the hallway making Neville stop to ask if I was alright.

Pushing off the wall I give him a small smile. "I'm okay Neville." If Bellatrix was coming then I had to keep Neville away from her. The boy in front of me nods and I head upstairs to the common room trying to think of the spells I know that could keep the door locked to keep anyone else from getting hurt. Fred was going to kill me for throwing myself into danger but I really didn't care if it meant saving other people's lives.


Pacing the common room, I knew the paintings were getting annoyed with me but I didn't care. Harry had gone with Dumbledore somewhere and he wasn't here. It was frustrating that he was pulling away from me, I understood the whole the boy who lived shit but come on. We were as close as non blood related family could get. He needed to open up to us about stuff, like how he kissed Ginny and still hasn't told Ron.

Hearing footsteps I whip around to see Hermione and Ron coming down wands in their hands. "What are you doing?" We hiss at the same time. "What am I doing? You're the one out of bed!"

It's then that Neville, and Ginny come downstairs as well. "What is this a party?" I snap glaring at them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're helping Harry!" Hermione explains. "Draco's up to something, Harry thinks he's bringing death eaters into the castle tonight." God damn it! Taking a deep breath I wince as Hermione frowns. "Wait...what are you doing up? Did you know?"

I knew I had just betrayed them as my silence answers her question. "You traitor!" Ron roars moving forward pushing his wand into my neck. "How could you know he was one of them and protect him! You threatened Harry over him!"

"I'm protecting him because he needs it!" I snap back pushing my own wand up to Ron's neck. "Now I suggest we drop this until after we help take care of the death eaters! They could be in the castle by now!" 

"She's right Ron." Hermione states glaring at me. "We need to go, we'll deal with her later." Pushing the red head off of me I stomp from the room the other four following. Sneaking through the halls when the Order was on patrol made it almost ten times harder to get to the room of requirement and Snapes office as Harry insisted the others do. I following Hermione and Luna towards Snapes office despite wanting to go to the Room of Requirement to see if Draco was there. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"What was I supposed to say Hermione?" I snap as I pace the hallway. "Oh hey by the way Draco's a death eater! He's been trying to kill Dumbledore the entire year but oh don't worry I'm keeping an eye on him." Snorting I shake my head as Hermione rolls her eyes at me. "Sorry I didn't just come out and say it. Harry attacked him over it Hermione. They're both family, I would defend both till my last breath but Draco's lost, he's not himself. He was force into doing this, becoming this. He's been mentally unhealthy and physically."

It's then that Snape's door opens and I'm whipping towards him. "Go alert the other Order Members, something's going on on the 7th floor." He informs us his eyes finding mine. My heart drops and within seconds I am taking off for the stairs. I hear Hermione yell after me but I head for the astronomy tower. Letting out a shriek as I am suddenly stunned and fall to the floor groaning. "Miss Black, might I suggest you stay away or you'll be killed."

Waving his wand, my mouth is able to speak. "Don't let him do it, please professor, don't let him kill Dumbledore and ruin himself." I beg tears forming in my eyes.

"Stay away from the tower." With that he was rising to his feet again and heading up the stairs. Stupid stunning spell, I wait for it to wear off and slowly get up.

"Val!" Neville appears and helps me stand, "the death eaters-"

"I know. Come on, we need to find the others, now." Letting Neville lead we rush towards where the others were at and I sigh with relief seeing Remus and Tonks.

"Are you alright?" Remus questions seeing me. Nodding we all turn hearing footsteps and I let out a gasp quickly deflecting a curse sent my way. I didn't know who half the death eaters were in front of me but I knew of two. Two who caused pain to Remus and Neville. Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. Bellatrix zones in on me as everyone else takes on death eaters that had picked at them as well. She manages to get me backing away from everyone else and I notice that Greyback was circling around to the other side of me. Glancing up I spot the archway and smirk sending a spell into the middle causing it to crack and fall stopping her from getting to me but that didn't mean I was safe.

"You're gonna taste so good." Greyback growls as I turn to him.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." It was then I notice that Bill had appeared. Glancing at me he smiles slightly. "Go, help Harry." I quickly rush from the battle dodging curses that were thrown around.

"What are you doing?" I stop glancing around at the empty corridor. "Val!" Turning I finally spot Harry who had ripped off the invisibility cloak. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to find Draco." Harry frowns, "look yell at me all you want later, I need to get to my cousin." I take off down the corridor again spotting Snape with Draco near Hagrids hut. My lungs were burning as I finally reach the two. "Draco!"

He pauses turning to see me and frowns. "I told you to stay in bed!" He snaps as I rush closer only to be thrown back by a spell Snape sent. I groan as I land on the ground my breath knocked out of me. "What are you doing?" I hear him cry out.

"Get out of here!" Snape orders as I rise to my feet.

"Draco please!" I beg as the professor before me moves his wand again. I cry out as a sharp pain goes through my chest, falling to my knees I realize Snape had used a spell similar to the one Harry used on Draco to cut my chest open enough for it bleed through my shirt. The ground rushes up to meet me as I hear Harry cry out my name.

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