A Plan

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Valentina's pov

Fighting against the person holding me I manage to elbow them in the stomach making them release me before whipping around to see Snape. "What..what the hell was that for!"

"You need to leave." He states eyes scanning the area around us. "Now."

"Why?" I demand skeptical of his reasons. "Why do I need to-" I'm cut off by screams of panic hitting the air. My head snaps towards the wedding but a hand wrapping around my arm stops me. "Let go!"

"You don't understand, he's after you. He'll kill you if you go out there."

"He wants me right?" Snape nods, "then he can have me!" I rip Snape's hand off me and rush off towards the tent that was now quiet.

"Tell us where Potter is at!" I hear one of the death eaters demand, he had Fred's face in his hand and he was sporting a black eye.

"We don't know." Fred grits out making the death eater hold up his wand mouth opening.

"Wait!" The group pauses turning as I step into view. "I hear you're looking for me."

Bellatrix smirks as she stalks towards me, "little itty bitty baby."

"Let them go and I'll go with you willingly."

"Your in no order to be making demands." Bellatrix shrieks.

"I know where Harry's at." I lie making the others eyes widen. "Let them go and I'll tell you." Spotting a knife on the table I lunge for it bringing it to my neck. "Hurt him or anyone else and the information dies with me."

"You wouldn't." Bellatrix challenges.

"Try me."

"Val." Fred groans but I don't look at him. "Don't."

"Let them go." I order again. "Or I'll do it, then you'll never figure out where Harry's at."

Bellatrix eyes me before turning to the others. "Let them go. Now where is he?" My eyes flicker to Arthur who nods in understanding.

"He's at his old house." I answer. "He figured since he was living here it'd be safe." Bellatrix stalks forward grabbing me by my chin.

"If you're lying." She growls. "I'll kill you myself." Glancing at my family one last time, I give them a weak smile before she was apparating us away with a pop.

Being shoved to the ground, I groan as she kicks me onto my side. "Val!" Draco's face was suddenly appearing in my vision eyes scanning me. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy." I grumble as he helps me up, I glance around realizing I was at Malfoy Manor. "Are you okay?" His eyes flicker behind me and he's tensing up making my own body tense when the air in the room suddenly drops.

"Valentina Black." Oh I was so screwed, so so screwed.

~Fred's Pov~

I watch as Bellatrix takes Val by her chin before the two were disappearing with a pop. Immediately the other death eaters were disappearing as well and I scramble to my feet my heart beating out my chest.

"W-We have to go rescue her!" I turn to the others who were slowly rising to their feet. "They'll kill her."

"Fred." Sirius approaches me, "we can't help her now. She has to get out on her own."

"You heard them!" I shove his hand off my shoulder. "He'll kill her if we don't do something!"

My hands were shaking, the love of my life was taken from me. I was angry, angry that she had lied to us, that she fought for her cousin but at the same time I understood. If our positions had been switched and it had been any of my siblings, I would've protected them too.

"Fred she's strong, she'll come back for you." My twin reassures me his hand cupping the back of my neck making me look at him. It didn't feel like I was the older twin, like I was the confident one who had everything under control. Clenching my jaw hot tears spring my eyes at the thought of Val dying.

Sure it had always been a possibility with her hanging around Harry and the other two but that night when she had fallen from her broom, it felt as if my own world had stopped. And now she was gone. Dead or being tortured and there was nothing for the rest of us to do. Nothing for me to do, I couldn't save her. I couldn't storm whatever place that she was being held at and rescue her.

Would she even want me back? Would she give me back the engagement ring I gave her? She deserved better, so much better. I had done nothing but treat her like shit since day one of us meeting and now she was taken by death eaters.

"We gotta go." George murmurs his words bringing me back to the present. "We gotta go Fred the others could come back at any minute."

"Keep in contact, you know the rules." His father orders just as the two wizards disappear with a pop.

I stumble into the room my throat tight. We had arrived back at our shop but we knew it was too dangerous to stay here, there was a safe house that we could go to. The order had set up a ton of them across the UK to help us out if we ever got into a tight spot and needed somewhere safe to go.

"Fred." George grasps my shoulder, "get what you need." Nodding I do as told my body on autopilot.

Was she being tortured? With a curse or would they use their wands to carve their scars into her skin? Would they kill her after they got the information out of her?

Would she crack and tell them everything because of them threatening Draco? I wince at the thought, family meant everything to Val and when threatened she'd do anything to protect them.

What if Val came back here? What if she escaped and came back to the shop? She wouldn't know where we are. Taking a piece of parchment and quill I scribble out a letter to her informing her of what had happened and where we were headed.

Pulling my wand and muttering the spell under my breath it rolls up tightly sealing itself. No matter what anyone tried to do, only Val could open up the parchment. No curse, no spell nothing could break, damage or open it.

It was meant for her eyes only and hopefully one day she'll reach it. And she'll find us again, she'll find me.

"Fred you ready?" George reappears as I turn slinging the bag over my shoulder, the shop we had worked so hard for was now going to sit empty. No laughter would be brought to Hogwarts this year.

It was war.

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