Chapter Two

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Vals pov

I sigh as I walk into Remus' class. The morning classes were filled up of Fred bothering me. The usual remarks. Short stack, Black thinks she's better that everyone else, blah blah blah. Same shit, different day with him. He made remarks about my father which ended once I took away his voice and sewed his mouth shut with a simple spell. Professor McGonagall was impressed but also very displeased with me.

 "You'll only need your wands today class." Remus looked nervous, he knew the position was cursed and Snape...well Snape was a dick for trying to out him. The desks had been pushed to the edge of the room leaving a giant space for all of us to stand in. There was a wardrobe in sitting in the middle of the room rocking back and forth. "Now could anyone tell me what is in here?" Hands shoot up but mine was raised first. "Valentina."

"A boggart it changes into your fear and the only way to get rid of it is to say Riddikulus." I answer lowering my arm. 

"Very good ten points to Gryffindor." Remus turns to Neville. "Neville why don't you go first?" Remus lets the boggart out of the wardrobe and out steps Professor Snape. Some students giggle but I glare at them making them stop. Our professor whispers something in Neville's ear and steps back. "Remember Neville, Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus!" Oh what I would've done to have a camera. With a wave of Neville's wand Snape was standing there dressed in what I could only guess is Neville's grandmother's clothing. I smile as he laughs, Snape was a bully. He was mean to Neville and was always degrading him for not doing something right. I stood up for Neville whenever I could since we had potions together. I helped him outside the classroom as well with potions and other bullies and in return he helped me try to pass Herbology.

One by one we all line up to take turns at the boggart, giggling and laughing as we watch them turn into something funny. Ron was next then me and then Harry. I was slightly worried about what it would turn into to but try not to focus on it. Ron's boggart turned into a giant spider making me squeak. With one word it was struggling to stay up right on roller skates. I laugh stepping up next and watch as it shifts into my worst fear.

My father and Remus dead on the ground, I blink glancing over at Remus who nods. I could do this. "Riddikulus!" With that it changed into a little bug floating around making me sigh. I step off to the side watching as Harry steps forward, the boggart shifts in the air trying to decide what Harry's fear was. I had my suspicions it would change into Voldemort but to my surprise it was a dementor.

Remus steps in between Harry and the boggart making it change into a full moon. One word from the older man and the boggart was changing into a balloon that was deflating. Remus directs it to the wardrobe and turns to the class.

"That's it for today! Thank you!" The class grumbles and whines as they pack up their stuff getting ready to leave. Harry was stuck staring at the wardrobe.

"Harry?" He snaps out of it and I smile at him. "You okay?" He nods grabbing his bag and promises to see me later. I help Remus rearrange the classroom as he had first years next and a boggart was definitely not something that they needed to learn about just yet.

"Val? Are you okay?" I glance over at Remus who was staring at me. I nod as he frowns, "why did it turn into your father and I?"

"Because I'm afraid of loosing both of you." I answer quietly making him sigh and pull me into a tight hug.

"I'm not going anywhere." He whispers. After that the rest of the day goes by smoothly. I sit at the dinner table with George on my right and Fred on my left. I don't know why the two decided to sit with me, I got here first.

"How is daddy doing?" Fred sneers. I keep my head down picking at my food as I try to hold back tears. I was so tired of his shit, I was tired of the sudden change over the past three years.

"I'm so sick of your shit Frederick Weasley!" I turn to him as his eyes widen. "I'm so tired of you being mean and making snide comments. I don't know what I did but I don't deserve to be treated this way!" Rising to my feet I stomp out of the hall ignoring the calls of George to come back and the others who had seen our little fight.

"Val!" I finally come to a stop at an empty window seat.

"Go away George." He ignores my request and sits down across from me anyway. "I don't want your pity."

"I'm not gonna give you any, he's out of line. I don't know why he's treating you this way but it's not okay and I'm trying to get him to lighten up but..." The red head before me trails off. "It'll be okay, just ignore him."

"It's pretty hard to, he seems to be popping up everywhere I go." Once upon a time I used to be close to Fred. Seeing as I was raised with the Weasley family, it was only this past year that I was allowed to go live with Remus seeing as he was my godfather. Fred George and I were three pees in a pod. We were so close but once I got sorted it seemed as if something inside Fred snapped. He changed and was so hostile towards me.

"It'll be okay Val, you'll see." George promises as I nod slightly. Maybe with George I'd be able to get through the school year.

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