Bridges Burned

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"She doesn't move Remus....I'm not sure what I could do. Losing both Draco and Fred has sent her into a state that I don't even think me or Harry could pull her from." The floors were thin so I could hear every word my dad said as he spoke to Remus about me.

We had taken refuge in Remus' old house that no one knew about since death eaters had come knocking on our door right after we returned from school. Bellatrix had been geared towards me and dad specifically but we held her off until the rest of the order could arrive.

Fred and Harry still haven't spoken to me despite the letters I sent them. They were either throwing them away or reading them because I haven't received them back yet. I understood where they were coming from...Draco needed someone and if I could've done it all over again I would've made the same choice.

I hadn't heard from Draco either but that was to be expected, I just hope he would be okay and safe with his family. Half of my friends haven't responded to my letters either which I wasn't sure if it was because of what I did or if its in fear of the death eaters.

"There is nothing we can do Sirius, this is something she has to figure out on her own." Remus states his voice much softer making it harder for me to hear them.

"She deserves to go through this." Ah yes Tonks. Once she had found out what I had done her whole attitude towards me had changed. She couldn't stand to be in the same room as me and believed I deserved everything that was coming for me.

"That is my daughter you're speaking about might I remind you Nymphadora." A small smirk forms on my face as I hear my dad stand up for me. Even if I didn't have anyone I had my dad.

"While she is his daughter, Sirius you have to remember she is an adult she made her choice and must now deal with the consequences." Remus always for the voice of reason, he was right. I did have to deal with the consequences of my actions, I just hope that Harry and Fred could forgive me in the end.

"She was thrown into a war she didn't ask to be a part of! She lost her fiancé and best friend all in one day with the threat of dying looming over her head! She is a child!"

"Who mad adult decisions!" Tonks snaps back, I could picture the deep frown on my father's face and the way his jaw was clenched. It was something I had seen quite a bit over the past few years of being reunited with him. Hearing no more conversation I sigh knowing my father was coming up to speak with me.

"Come in." I call before he had a chance to knock.

Stepping inside my dad glances around seeing the mess of the room I was living in. "I take it you heard that." My silence is his answer making him sigh and walk around the room. "You know your mother stood up for me when my family disowned me."

My head snaps around as he sits down on my bed looking at the framed photo of the three of us. "I thought you went to live with James?"

"I did but when your mother found out. She sent a howler to Grimmauld Place." My dad chuckles running his thumb over the photo. "She was the firecracker that was for sure. Her and Lily were two of the most strongest independent women we ever met and I would give anything to have her back."

"How could Snape act like he does with me when my mother saved his life." I murmur quietly.

"He's blinded by hatred and grief. He was obsessed with Lily and her death...seeing you and Harry. Reminds him of her and your mother every day." Dad explains. "Your mother would be so proud of the woman you've become Val."

"I wish she was here." Tears form as I glance out the window at the setting sun. "I wish everything could've been normal."

"I don't think you would've ended up with Fred." Dad raises an eyebrow as I move my knees up to my chest. "Everything would've been fact, we all had a bet on whether or not you would've ended up with Harry when you two were born."

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