Cedric Diggorys death

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Vals pov

Harry was leaning over someone. "That's my son!" Amos screams.  I let out a scream when I realize who it was. Fred and George try to hold me back but I get out of their grip and I rush out of the stands and collapse next to Cedric. "Cedric no!" I collapse on his chest crying. I hold onto him for as long as I can. "Come on Val" I hear George say. "No" I cry clutching Cedric. "He's gone there's nothing you can do!" Fred snaps. I cry my eyes out as I'm picked up and carried away by George. I finally pass out from all the crying.

I wake up in the infirmary. "Tell me it was a dream that he is still alive." I whisper not opening my eyes. "I'm sorry but it's real my dear girl" Dumbledore says as I open my eyes. "Who killed him" I ask sitting up. "Voldemort" I feel my gaze harden. "Can I speak to Harry?" I ask. "Of course my dear" soon enough Harry walks in and I hug him while I begin shaking with sobs. "I love him" I whisper. "He told me to tell you he loved you" Harry whispers. "Dumbledore found this in his stuff it was supposed to be for you" He says pulling out a beautiful locket, inside it says to my only love Valentina. And on the other side it has a picture of him. I clasp it around my neck and hold it tightly. Cedric will always be in my heart.

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