Meeting my dad

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Valentina pov

Waking up the day of my fifteen birthday I was not expecting Fred and George to be in my room. I let out a shriek rolling away from the two and falling out of bed in a heap of blankets. Dumbledore hadn't let me attend Hogwarts until I was in the same year as Harry. I was supposed to be a year above him but I suppose he wanted Harry and I to grow together.

"Fred! George!" I rise to my feet glaring at them. "What the hell are you two doing here?"

"Happy Birthday Val!" The two cheer together. I cross my arms over my chest as I glare at the two of them. I was in nothing but a tank top and a pair of panties that were thankfully boxer type ones made for women. Fred and George had gone quiet just staring at me.

"Earth to dumbasses!" I clap my hands making them blink. "Out so I can change!" I bend down picking up my blankets to see the two still standing there. "Did I stutter?" George snatches Fred by the ear and begins dragging him out of the room but Fred gets out of his grip and smirks at me.

"I could always help you change Val." I chuck a pillow at his face but he's closing the door and laughing. I quickly change before they come back and head downstairs to see the two of them standing by the front door. 

"You two aren't staying?" I question glancing over at Remus.

"Nope, gotta fly." George grins. "You have a surprise waiting for you at the Burrow after you're done."

"Done with what?" I frown as the twins share a smirk.

"You'll see." The two head out the front door before I could get another word out making me turn to Remus.

"What's going on?"

"I think it's time Val." I don't understand until it clicks, it was time to meet my dad. I had been owling back and forth with him since school got out learning about him but he wanted to discuss a few more things in person. "He's been staying at his parent's old place so it's safer for us to go there then him come here so once you're ready we can go."

"I'm ready now!"

"Shoes?" Glancing down at my feet I notice I was still barefoot. I turn rushing back up the stairs to grab my shoes and a jacket along with my wand. Not bothering with actual tennis shoes I slip on flip flops and rush back downstairs to where Remus was waiting. Taking his arm in my own I feel a nervous pit fill my stomach as we disappear with a wave of his wand.

I stumble a bit as we land in an alleyway feeling queasy. I hated apparating, I always ended throwing up after it. I hunch over groaning as Remus rubs my back. I wait until my stomach settles before straightening up. Wiping my mouth I follow Remus across the street towards an apartment complex. I frown as he comes a stop glancing around for muggles before pulling his wand and tapping the fence three times. The apartments begin moving apart and I'm surprised to see another door appearing with windows showing what looked to be a town house.

"Come along." Remus leads the way up to the door and opens it stepping in without hesitating. I take a deep breath and step into the apartment shutting the door behind me. "Sirius!"

Suddenly a blood curdling shriek comes from upstairs. "Blood-Traitors! Filthy half breed in my home!"

"Oh shut up you hag! Kreacher!" I jump seeing a house elf appear next to me with a pop. "Go cover her up now!" I peer around Remus to see my father who looked much cleaner and well groomed. "Sorry about her, can't take her down, seems my mother used a permanent sticking charm." He smiles at Remus before his eyes flicker to me. "Valentina."

"Dad?" I push forward stopping a few feet from him. Tears form as I rush forward hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry, I should've done more that night! Then you wouldn't be hiding-"

"Valentina that wasn't your fault darling." I pull back wiping away a tear as he smiles down at me. "We'll get it sorted out after all this is over." He promises. Glancing back at Remus he smiles at us.

"I'll leave you two to it. Val just owl if you want me to come pick you up. Remember the Weasley's have a surprise for you as well." Remus heads towards the front door. I nod as he smiles one last time at us before leaving.

"Kreacher!" The house elf pops up making me jump again. "Take Valentina's bags up to the room I've prepared for her."

"Yes master." The elf bows with his long pointy nose hitting the floor before grabbing my bags again and disappearing with a pop.

Following my dad we enter the next room over and sit down at a kitchen table. It was a good sized room with a fireplace at the end of it. "What is this place?"

"This was my childhood home. My father made it so that no muggle could see it or get into it. The screaming witch upstairs would be my mother." I nod as my dad smiles at me. "Growing up I was an outcast because I was a Gryffindor. The rest of my family had been Slytherin."

"What about mom?" I blurt without thinking. "Sorry if you don't want to talk about-"

"I do." My dad smiles, "she was...something else. She was a Hufflepuff actually." That was something I did not know. "She was so kind and independent. Best friends with Lily those two were unstoppable. She didn't like me but she despised James." I raise an eyebrow as my dad chuckles. "She finally came around our sixth year and I pulled my head out of my ass. I became her friend first before asking her out our seventh year. Your mother was the most beautiful woman I had ever met."

"She sounds amazing." I was so glad I got to hear about her. "How did she pass?" My dad looses his smile and I shift.

"Her and Snape were on an undercover mission, one where the Order and the death eaters were battling each other...they both tried to not to blow their mission but one of the order members shot the killing curse at Snape, your mother jumped in front of him taking it instead." My eyes widen in surprise.

"Wait mom saved Snape and to this day he still resents you and me?" I slouch back in my seat as I take in this information. "Ungrateful bastard." My dad snorts as I shake my head.

"I was devastated when I found out, she was everything to me. I would've died for her if it came down to it." My dad smiles sadly. "I miss her everyday." It's then through an open window that my owl Shadow appears with a letter. I grin seeing it was from Cedric, we had been writing nonstop to each other since we departed on the train and I quickly open it reading over it.

Sounds like you're having a good summer so far! Arthur Weasley explained to my dad what happened with your father and if you've met him and want me to I'll meet him. Of course my dad wants to come with but if that's what you want me to do then I will. I look forward to seeing you gorgeous. Oh and Happy Birthday.

"Is that from a boy?" My dad questions making me blush. "Who? Is it one of the Weasley twins?"

"No dad!" I groan as he raises an eyebrow. "It's from Cedric Diggory."

"Diggory...Diggory..." Dad frowns as he taps the table thinking. "His father was Amos?" I nod. "Went to school with him, he was a bit...ditzy."


"What?" He laughs. "What's the letter say?"

"Well Arthur explained to Amos what happened with you and now Cedric wants to meet you in person." I explain. "Please? For my birthday?" I beg him.

"Okay okay fine." My dad agrees making me grin. "We'll set something up but remember, you still have your surprise at the Weasleys!"

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