Umbridge stops us.

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 I was practically racing up the stairs. "Kreacher!" I shout as we burst through Umbridges office. She was the only one with the fireplace that wasn't blocked off. I stand back as Harry talks to Kreacher. And just as we were about to leave Umbridge burst in with Draco and the rest of his pack holding the rest of Dumbledores Army hostage. Umbridge plops me and Harry down in front of her and the rest hold the others. Snape is called and I look at him with pleading eyes. "Have you brought the Veritaserum?" He replies with "No, you have used it interrogating students. The last of it on Ms. Chang." I look over at Draco and he catches my eyes. I give him a small smile as I turn to Snape. Snape turns to leave and I yell out "He has padfoot!" Harry realizes what I'm doing. "He has padfoot at the place where it's hidden." Harry had explained earlier about what was at the Ministry of Magic. Snape pauses turning around towards me. "Please Snape" I beg. "What's Padfoot. What's she talking about Snape?" He turns to me before looking at her. "No idea" I whimper slightly as Umbridge pulls out her wand. Snape turns and leaves but not before giving me a quick glance. "You leave me with no choice, Black, Potter" I freeze. "This is a matter of the Ministry of Magic." I glanced over at Draco. "I'll have no choice but to use the Crutiatus curse" Dracos eyes widen and I feel myself snap at her. "That's against the law." But she smirked before pulling out her wand. She puts it up to my neck and I see Draco tense but I shake my head just a little. He sees and backs off. "What would you do if I tortured your little cousin Draco?" The witch asked. "He wouldn't give a damn about me" I hiss at her. "Is this true?" Draco nods but I see he's holding back. "What about you half brother" He tenses beside me but I shake my head. "If you lay a hand on her!" He begins. "Just tell her Harry!" Hermione buts in. They finally convinced her to go into the forbidden forest. I feel Crabbe come up and put his wand up to my neck but Draco grabs him and sends a freezing spell at him. "Go!" He says stunning the rest of them. I let the others go out before kissing Draco on the cheek. "Thanks I owe you one!" I call as he sends the last one down. "Hurry up!" He yells back. I race down the steps with Dumbledores Army. It was time to save my dad.

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