Come with us

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Val's pov 

It was the morning of O.W.L.s when Fred and George pull me to the side. "If you want help with a prank count me out." I snap flinching at the memory of Umbridge's quill. "No, we're leaving" George smiles at me, "What do you mean leaving?" I ask. "We're gonna open up our joke shop." Fred grins, "You're leaving school" It was the end of the year, "Yes, do you want to come?" Fred asks taking my hand. "Fred," I start. George leaves to give us some privacy. I sit down pulling him next to me, "You know I can't" I whisper. "Please," He whispers back, "My dad would have my ass Fred." I laugh, "We could do this, we could live together, we could do whatever we wanted." He begs me, he begins kissing up and down my neck. "Fred," I begin but bite my lip to keep in the moans. "You know you want to" He practically growls in my ear. "Fred I can't" I whisper. "And why's that princess?" He asks. "Because I can't-" I let out a whimper as he removes his lips from my neck. "Just say yes" he whispers. "My dad would kill me and you" I whisper. "At least we would be together." He whispers, "Just say yes." He smirks as I lean into him, "I can't" I deny again. "Why?" He looks at me and I sigh, "I have to watch over Draco" I whisper. "You have to watch that prat?" I stand up pulling away from Fred, "That prat happens to be my cousin Fred Weasley" I snarl. I walk away from him and towards my next class. It was Potions, "Hey" Draco gives me a quick side hug making sure no one was looking. "Hi" I mutter, "Whats up?" He asks. "Fred and I got into a fight" I shrug. "About what?" Draco asks. "You" I answer, "Me?" He asks. "Yeah he called you a prat and I got pissed off at him." I shrug, After we finish practicing for our O.W.L. I head down to the black lake. I sit on the sand and watch the waves wash up and disappear. I hear someone coming up behind me, I see red hair out of the corner of my eye and know it's Fred. "I'm sorry" He apologizes, I look over at him, "Fred, it's the fact that you insulted my family." I explain. "I know it's just he gets on my nerves." Fred moves so he is sitting behind me his legs beside mine. "You know I would never insult you or your family on purpose." He whispers resting his chin on my shoulder. I lean my head back and sigh, "I know but I just get protective over them, even if they are twits." I grin. "Come with us" He whispers. "Fred," I sigh knowing we were back to the same conversation from earlier. "Come with me" He whispers and I tense up. "Fred" I mutter as he places kisses on my shoulder. He takes my scarf off and slides my robes off, "Fred" I bring a hand up to his hair as he sucks on my neck. "Say yes" He whispers making me whimper slightly. "We're gonna get caught" I manage out as he rubs a hand up and down my thigh getting closer to my weak spot. "So" He mutters. I grab his hands to stop him but he quickly switches our positions. He wraps my hands up with my tie and unbuttons my shirt. Leaving one button just barely keeping my shirt on. "Come with me" He begs sliding me closer. "Sixth year" I murmur. "I'll stay for sixth year and then I'll join y-" I don't finish the sentence because he had slipped his fingers under my skirt. Before we could get any farther George showed up. "Was I interrupting something?" He asks laughing as I hurry to button my shirt up. I push my skirt down and put my tie back on. I pick up my robes and throw them at Fred, "Here" I smirk. George laughs and I smile, I'm going to miss them. "I can't come with you guys, I have to finish my sixth year at least." I explain on the way back up to the castle. "I've got my Defense O.W.L. in a few minutes so I'll see you guys later" I hug them both, "See you soon" Fred winks at me before heading off with George. I sigh, maybe I should go with them. 

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