Chapter One

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Valentina's pov 

"Remus where's Shadow?" I ask looking for my black owl, she was always disappearing and causing trouble. I blamed Fred and George, they taught her to not be afraid of anything while she was still a baby and now she was always getting into fights and trouble.

"Did you check outside by the tree?" He calls from downstairs. Our house had thin floors and walls so you could hear everything. It sucked sometimes, Remus lived in the room directly below mine so I couldn't get out of bed without him hearing it and waking up.

 "Can you check for me?" I call back as I begin packing. I glance over at my desk and sigh taking the photo of my parents off it. My father and mother looked so happy, just after I was born. My father looked so young and my mom was glowing with happiness. "Here she is." I stayed with the Weasley's for the past fourteen years and finally it was decided I was old enough to stay with Remus for the summer. I knew he was a werewolf and what happened but thankfully he was able to take his potions for it which made him more human.

"What was he like?" I question. 

 "He was well he was a trouble maker" He states. Growing up I had been told of my father's antics and their friends.

"What about my mom" I never asked about mom, it was always about dad.

 "She was a strong confident young woman. She was so independent and your dad fell head over heels in love with her the first time he saw her. He knew she was the one." Remus chuckles. "Your parents finally got together during their seventh year, the chemistry between those was undeniable. Your parents were happy, everything seemed to be okay until your dad was take to-"

 "Azkaban." I finish.

"Oh are you done packing?" With Remus' help I am able to pack everything I need in a span of a few minutes. "Ready?" I nod clutching Shadow tightly to my chest in her cage as Remus waves his wand. We disappear and appear at the station. I glance around for the Weasley family but can't seem to find them among the see of people.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sit with you" I ask as we head to board the train. 

"I'm sure now hurry go find your friends" I nod and rush off. I find out the only compartment that isn't full is the one with George and Fred. Growing up Fred never had a problem with me. It wasn't until I got to Hogwarts that changed. He was so mean to me and I never understood why.

 "Fred, George do mind if I sit here? The rest of the compartments are full."

 "Sure," George agrees at the same time Fred says no. I ignore him and plop down across from the two spotting the Daily Prophet. 

 "Here read this" George says handing the paper to me. I frown but then my eyes widen when I read the headline on the front paper.

Sirius Black Escapes Azkaban!
Black managed to get past the dementors, no one's quite sure how but with the mass murderer on the loose, the Muggles Prime Minister has been informed of a dangerous serial killer escaping. Aurors search...

I stare at the picture of my dad who looked crazy as he cackles.  "Daddy is gonna get the dementors kiss" Fred taunts as I glare at him. 

 "Shut up!"

 "Awe no more daddy no more family" I glare at him before throwing the Daily Prophet at him. It hits him in the eye making him shut up. I feel tears form as my cousin Draco walks by. He stops and opens the compartment door. 

"Alright which one of you Weaslebees hurt her?" He sneers, but before anyone could answer the training is jerking to a stop. I frown glancing out the window only for it to frost up. Oh no...I pull out my wand hoping I won't get in trouble to for using a spell.

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