Dumbledores Army

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Vals pov

I got a letter from my dad.
Dear Valentina,
I'm impressed. You stood up for yourself and I am surprised. Here I thought you were quiet! Haha. I'm proud of you. I hope classes are going well and don't take any crap from Umbridge. Have fun and tell Harry I said hi.
Love dad and father.

I smile and write back. "Harry, my dad says hi" I saw Fred walking up the stairs so I hurried after him. Fred yelps in surprise. I smirk pushing past him. George smirks at me as in "I know you like him" look. I blush before tossing Harry the parchment. Somehow all the boys got a room together. I sit down on Fred's bed and go to lay down. "Why are you on my bed?" Fred asks picking my head up and sitting beneath me. He plays with my hair and I slowly become sleepy. "Hey Val we have something we would like to ask you" all four boys choruse. I look up at Fred with a questioning look. "We want you to help Harry teach defense. In the DA" I feel my eyes widen and I almost choke on my spit. Fred smiles at me, "come on please!" He begs me. I sigh and close my eyes before saying "Fine! On one condition!" I smirk as all the boys to pale. "You can't be mean, angry or annoying around me. All of you have to be nice to Draco and you have to do all of my homework!" Harry glares at me. "Either that or I won't do it" I say looking at Fred. He glances at the other three and sighs."Fine!" I smile before sitting up and off the bed. "Good because I have three reports due!" I kiss Fred, George and Ron's cheek before hugging my brother and skipping out. But right before I close the door I see Fred put his hand to his cheek and smile. Yup I definitely have a crush on a Weasley.

Fred's pov

I sigh after she closes the door before laying down. "Bro you have to tell her how you feel!" Harry looks over at me and I freeze. "What do you mean tell her how you feel?" He stands up and I slightly back away until I'm near George. "I'm in love with her!" I blurt before Harry freezes. "You-" He states at me. "Love her yes" I state. "As long as you don't hurt her I'm fine with it" I breath in relief. "Thanks Harry!" He slaps a hand on my back. When the other two went to bed but George and I stay up talking. By the time we both went to bed it was one in the morning.

Hate on me (Fred Weasley love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora