Dark Mark

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Val's Pov 

Being shoved to the ground, I groan as she kicks me onto my side. "Val!" Draco's face was suddenly appearing in my vision eyes scanning me. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy." I grumble as he helps me up, I glance around realizing I was at Malfoy Manor. "Are you okay?" His eyes flicker behind me and he's tensing up making my own body tense when the air in the room suddenly drops.

"Valentina Black." The voice makes my body go rigid, I had only heard it a few times. I wasn't prepared to face him, not yet. Harry wasn't at my side, Fred wasn't at my side. Something long and heavy slithers across my feet and I look down having to hold back the shriek that bubbled up. Nagini, the snake was fucking huge, I could feel Draco tense up behind me and step back from where he was. "She doesn't bite much." 

"Great sense of humor Riddle." I retort making the others breaths hitch, my gaze flickers across the death eaters. Bellatrix was staring at me so hard that I'm sure if she could she'd murder me right here right now. Greyback was also watching me but with a different type of look, one I didn't want to get into. 

Narcissa watches me fearfully hell he even Lucious was. Draco stood between his parents looking paler than I remembered. Even after the battle where Dumbledore died, he looked better then. Snape was here too, he stood expressionless as Voldemort approaches me. 

"You would make a fine death eater." He states walking closer, I wince as his hand comes up taking a piece of my hair into his grip. "Such a pretty young face." His fingers are freezing as he touches my cheek cupping my jaw hard as his red eyes scan me. "Oh but to be in love with a mud blood lover." 

"Dont' fucking touch them." I hiss out anger coursing through me at the thought of my family being hurt. "I swear to Godric if you touch them-" 

His grip turns bruising on my face cutting off my words, "you'll do what?" He sneers, "you can't kill me." 

"Harry can." 

"He's not here now is he?" 

"He's at his old house master." Bellatrix steps forward. "She folded on him the minute that we threaten her little boyfriend." 

"Fuck you Lestrange." 

Voldemort hums as he peers down at me. "Yes then it's decided." Confusion flickers through the others faces, "she'll become one of us." 

"I'd rather die." I hiss out making him smile, I wince at the sight of his teeth. "Ever heard of a toothbrush? Does wonders these days." 

"You have a sense of humor even in the face of death." Voldemort cocks his head to the side. "Why?" 

"Because I'm not afraid to die if it means protecting my family. I proved that multiple times." 

He smiles again and once again I jerk in his grip, "you will become a death eater." I go to open my mouth but he cuts in, "or I will personally hunt down your family, your...Freddie and slit his throat myself." 

Fear courses through me at the thought of him hunting Fred down. Of hunting my family down. "You'll do that anyway." I hiss tears forming my eyes. 

"You have my word that...if your family survives that they will not be harmed." My eyes narrow at him wondering why he would do this. "You see you are a very very powerful witch you come from a long line of pureblood and having the power you do...well you rival mine and Dumbledores." 

"My mother wasn't pureblood."

"Her grandfather was Godric Gryffindor." Eyes widening my gaze snaps to Snape who was staring at the two. "She was as pure as they came." My dad...did he know? Glancing at Narcissa and Bellatrix it seemed those two were just as surprised as I was. Did my mother hide her true heritage in order to not be used as a pawn in the war? 

Voldemort releases me and I jerk back but he snatches my arm yanking it towards him. The tip of his wand pushes harshly into my arm and I yelp as a searing pain shoots through my arm. I watch horrified as the dark mark I had seen on Dracos' arm begin forming on my own. 

The snake slithers through the skull before becoming still, a permanent mark on my arm. "Get her a new change of clothes and see to it that she is given a room. You will stay here with the Malfoys, when the school year starts you will attend Hogwarts and if I get wind that you have tried contacting Harry or any of your so called family I will keep true to my word." 

I nod as Draco steps to my side slipping a jacket over my shoulders. "Lets go." Bellatrix sneers at me as we pass her but I don't find the energy to return the look. Draco leads me up the stairs and into his own room which also had a bathroom connected to it. He hands me over a pair of clothes and lets me use the shower. 

Standing under the water, I run my thumb over the new mark watching as the snake moves through it. It made me want to crawl out of my skin, shutting my eyes tightly I try to hold back the tears. I was a death eater now, and no matter what it would be a scar I would hold onto forever. 

I needed to find a way to let my family know I was okay. Maybe if I saw Professor McGonagall this year she would be able just let them know she saw me and that I was okay. That would at least put my dad at ease, he was probably trying to come up with a way to get me back. I didn't know where Harry was at, or the other two. Hopefully somewhere safe and figuring out a way to kill Voldemort. 

With Dumbledore gone there wasn't anyone else to stand up to Voldemort and have a chance at living or defeating him. A knock at the door makes my head snap up, "just me." Draco calls out. "Mother has food ready if you are able to eat." 

"I'll be out shortly." I respond my voice cracking, I quickly wash my hair and get out trying to keep a steady head. Losing it wouldn't make it any better. There would time to cry and sob about what happened after all the was over. If I lost it now there would be no telling what I would end up doing. 

Draco's sweatpants and shirt were a little too big but I made it work seeing as it was the only other option then the dress I wore. Draco was sat on his bed eating what looked to be some fruit as I towel off my hair. 

"You okay?" His head snaps up to me as I move to sit on the bed. "Drac?" 

"Just..worried." He whispers quietly as if he was afraid that someone would hear us. "You shouldn't be here." 

"Yeah well not a whole lot of choice in that." I shrug snagging a piece of fruit. "I just hope they got out okay." 

"I'm sure they did." He looked so tired, bags under his eyes and his hair was slightly a mess. I wish my family could see that he wasn't like he was growing up. That he had changed, that he no longer wanted to be apart of the monster and his death eaters group. 

"Hey." I take his hand, "we'll be okay." I promise making him nod, it didn't look like he believe me but I was trying to convince both of us. "Hogwarts will be okay too." 

"Yeah." He agrees quietly he said it almost as if he was trying to convince himself. But deep down we both knew. 

No where was safe, not even in the muggle world. But all we could was hope for the best and pray to Godric that Harry and the other two found a way to kill Voldemort. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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