Chapter Five

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Valentina pov 

"Will you two please stop arguing!" I turn to face both Ron and Hermione as we head down to Hagrid's hut. The first day of class involved a Hippogriff which Malfoy managed to piss off. He was cut on his arm by the beasts talons and ran to his daddy crying about being hurt and how his arm almost came off. I on the other hand found it hilarious and would've have loved to see it happen. Now because of Draco's dad Buckbeak was sentenced to death. 

As for Hermione and Ron, those two had been at each other's throats all year. It was just because of Ron's rat who had disappeared and thought that Crookshank, Hermiones crazy ass looking cat had eaten him. I thought the stupid rat had just ran away tired of listening to Ron snore in his sleep but does he listen to me? No instead he gets into arguments with Hermione over it making me and Harry be the middle man.

"I'm so sick and tired of you two arguing back and forth! Ron do you have proof Scabbers was eaten?" Not giving him the chance to continue I keep speaking. "No! Hermione you're giving into his stupid games by answering him. Both of you knock it off!" I let out a breath of air brushing a piece of my black curly hair from my forehead.

"She's right you know." Harry agrees before continuing down to Hagrid's hut. The three of us following him.

"Come to see the show have you?" We had spotted Malfoy and his goons as he taunts us. I growl going to move closer but Hermione beats me to it. Pulling her wand out of her pocket she pushes Malfoy against one of the rocks.

"Why you fowl slimy evil git!"

"Hermione no! He's not worth it!" Ron warns her.

"Yeah Hermione, come on. I'll deal with him later!" I promise her as she pushes her wand a bit harder into his chin. She pulls away making Malfoy smirk but instead brings back her fist and punches him right in the nose. A snort escapes my mouth as he cups his nose and begins rushing away with his other goons.

"That was brilliant!" I exclaim as Hermione chuckles.

"It felt really good." She smiles.

"Come on, we've got to go see Hagrid." The four of us trail down to his hut and knock on the giant door in front of us, Hagrid opens it within seconds.

"Hello you four." He greets and steps to the side to let us in.

"I'm so sorry Hagrid." I apologize. I really liked Buckbeack once Harry brought me down to see him.

"Look at him, he loves the smell of the trees and the wind blows through him." Hagrid smiles staring out at Buckbeak.

"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry questions.

"They'd know it was me." Hagrid sighs. I'm guess he already thought of it. "Dumbledore would get into trouble, coming down Dumbledore is. Says he wants to be with me...when it happens. Great man Dumbledore!"

"We'll stay with you too Hagrid." Hermione informs him making me nod in agreement.

"You'd do no such thing, think I want you seeing something like that?" Hagrid shakes his head. "Just finish your tea and be off. Oh before you do, Ron." Hagrid turns and pulls something from a jar. I'm surprised to see it's Ron's rat. 

"Scabbers!" Ron carefully takes the  rat making me glance over at Hermione who had a look on her face that I wouldn't want to be on the opposite end of. "You're alive!"

"Keep a closer eye on your pets Ron!" Hagrid warns him as Hermione steps forward.

"I think that means you owe someone an apology."

"Right." Ron steps closer to Hermione. "Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know." Ouch. That had to hurt.

"I meant me!" Hermione snaps.

"Careful Ron, she throws a nasty right hook." I smirk as he glances at me turning a bit paler. Before anyone else could say or do anything a jar next to my head is shattering open.

"Blimey!" I frown reaching for what hit it when Harry is suddenly it in the back of the head with a rock. 

"Hagrid!" Harry calls him over to the window and I peer closer to see the Minister, Dumbledore and an executioner making their way towards us.

"It's late, it's nearly dark...." Hagrid turns back to us. "You shouldn't be here, someone sees you outside the castle this time of night, you'll be in trouble. Big trouble particularly you two." He points at me and Harry. There's a knock on the door making my heart drop. We were so screwed. "Be with you in a moment!" Hagrid calls as he covers up the creature sitting in a sack near the door. "Quick! Quick!" He ushers us out the back door, we wait until the coast is clear before booking it behind the pumpkins Hagrid had.

Sitting behind them we listen as the Minister explains why Buckbeak was sentenced to death and the declaration of today being the date. A twig snaps behind us making me frown and turn. I barely catch a glimpse but I swear I saw....

"What?" Harry questions me and Hermione.

"Nothing..." I trail off.

"I thought I just saw..." Hermione turns back around and I follow suit trying to listen closer to what the Minister was saying.

"Let's go!" Ron urges us. The four of us begin our way back up to the castle but I glance back pausing when I see Buckbeak looking at us. I feel tears well up in my eyes as he lowers his head back down in defeat.

"Val!" I feel Harry grab my hand and pull me along with him forcing me to look away from Buckbeak. We reach a safe distance where we won't be seen and pause to catch our breath. I turn to glance back at Hagrid's hut and feel more tears form when I see the executioner raise his scythe. "Don't look." Harry pulls me into his arms keeping my head on his shoulder and I feel my heart break hearing the flutter of birds and Hermione's crying that Buckbeak had been executed. "It'll be okay."

"Come on." I sniffle wiping my tears away. "We need to get back to the tower before we get caught."

"Ow!" Glancing down I spot Scabbers scurrying away making Ron go after him. I frown but then I see it. The black dog that Harry had been telling us about. I freeze as it rushes towards Ron grabbing him by his ankle and pulling him towards the Whomping Willow.

Racing after Ron I try to dodge the whomping willow's branches that were trying to murder me, Hermione and Harry. I jump a branch only to be hit in the stomach with one and knocked to the ground. Gasping for breath I see Hermione swinging around on one of the branches while Harry was searching for his glasses.

"Harry duck!" I yell just in time for him to throw himself to the ground dodging a tree branch. I roll out of the way of another one and spot the hole Ron was dragged down. "Damn it Ron!" I sprint forward and duck just in time for Hermione to miss grabbing me to try to help her get off the damn branch she was on. "Sorry!" I yell to her as she grabs Harry screaming. I slide into the hole grunting as I land on the ground with a thump.



"Sorry!" I grunt as Harry tries to push himself off of me but is pushed back down as Hermione lands on top of him. "Get off!" With Harry's help I rise to my feet glaring at Hermione. "Come on you two." I lead the way as we take the path through the tunnel. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Reaching a staircase I realize we were at the shrieking shack, a ghost story that was used to scare first and second years. I spot the trail of blood heading up the stairs and quickly follow it to see Ron sitting on a bed in the middle of the room.

"Ron! The dog where is it?"

"Harry it's a trap! He's the dog! He's an animagus." The three of us turn around to see my father standing behind a door before pushing it closed. Oh shit.

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